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The pursuit of knowledge for a people in bondage is a perilous and precarious undertaking.

The Merovingians were not evil. 

The Merovingian Sorcerer-Kings...Dagobert II...and, the Way of the Druid:

The Merovingians ruled much of present-day France and Germany between the fifth and seventh centuries. The beginning of this time coincides with not only the Grail stories, but with the era of King Arthur, who was so central to many of these tales. There was never any question that the Merovingians were the rightful rulers of the Franks. They were not "created" as kings. The sons who were entitled became kings automatically on their twelfth birthdays. Their role was not to govern - that was left to the "Mayors of the Palace." They were simply expected to exist as representatives of the role, holding similar power and status to a twenty-first century constitutional monarch.

***The Merovingians had a reputation for the occult and the supernatural. They were looked upon as priest-kings, much as the Egyptian pharaohs were regarded.***

One of the abiding symbols of the Merovingians was the bee. Hundreds of pure gold bees were found in King Childeric's tomb. The custom endured through the centuries. When Napoleon was crowned emperor in 1804, he made sure that golden bees were attached to his coronation robes. He was fascinated by the Merovingians and commissioned their genealogies to be compiled in order to find out whether the dynasty had survived after it had been deposed.

Dagobert II

Dagobert was born in 651 and when Clovis, his father, died in 656, all efforts were made to prevent him from inheriting Austrasia, the north-eastern realm of Clovis. The leading Mayor of the Palace of the time, Grimoald, kidnapped Dagobert as soon as his father died and managed to persuade the court first that Dagobert was dead, and second that Clovis had wanted Grimoald's son to inherit the throne. So convincing was he that even Dagobert's mother believed him.

However, Grimoald had been unable to bring himself to murder Dagobert and had taken him to the Bishop of Poitiers, who had the child King exiled to Ireland. Here he grew up and was educated at the monastery of Slane near Dublin. He married a Celtic princess, Mathilde, and moved to York in northern England, where he got to know Saint Wilfred, the Bishop of York. At this time, the Merovingian alliance with the Roman Church was not as strong as it had been at the time of Clovis.

Wilfred was very keen to bring the Celtic and Roman churches together, which both sides had agreed upon at the Council of Whitby in 664. However, it seems that Wilfred also recognized the valuable potential of Dagobert - the rightful King of Austrasia - returning to France and reclaiming the land as the militant representative of the Church.

King of Austrasia

Upon his return from exile in Ireland, Dagobert quickly set about re-establishing order throughout his new kingdom and in so doing greatly increased his wealth. With his new-found wealth and lands, Dagobert soon developed enemies. He also caused the resentment of the rulers of neighboring Frankish lands, some of whom had connections in Dagobert's court that could be dangerous to him. One of these was his Mayor to the Palace, the treacherous Pepin the Fat.

King Dagobert II, thirteenth king of Austrasia, was threatened by Ebroin, who was Mayor of the palace to Thierry, king of Neustria. Ebroin administered Neustria unchecked and he wanted to seize Austrasia as well.
Under the guidance of Wulfoad, his own Mayor of the palace, Dagobert II had given his son Sigebert a share of his throne. But the King of Austrasia's sensible precautions were thwarted by Ebroin.

The assassination

The year 679 was coming to its end and Dagobert was living in his royal house, SATHANACUM - known today as Stenay - where he was to spend the Christmas holiday. On 23rd December, he went out hunting in the forest of "Wepria" (known today as Woevre) with a number of followers. Around the middle of the day, tired from the hunt, the king sat down near a fountain, which ran near to a large oak, to take some rest. It is still called ARPHAYS, and the section of the forest known as "SCORTlA" One of the servants among the conspirators struck the king while he was praying.
Dagobert, last king of a wide and powerful realm, perished, dying while doing good.

The king's body was taken first to the villa of Charmois, during the evening of 23rd December, then to the basilica of Sathanacum, which at that time was dedicated to Saint Remi. All the dignitaries of the realm came to mourn the death of the sovereign.

Saint Dagobert II

The Roman Church wasted no time in commending the action. However, perhaps through guilt, they canonized Dagobert in 872, when his remains were moved to the graveyard of a church which was renamed "the Church of Saint Dagobert." They even gave him his own feast day, on December 23rd. The Roman Catholic Church has always been unable or unwilling to explain why he was canonized.

From the day of his burial in the Church of Saint Dagobert, his grave has been a destination of pilgrimage for various significant historical figures including the Duke of Lorraine, the grandfather of Godfroi de Bouillon. The church was destroyed during the French Revolution and most of the relics of Saint Dagobert disappeared. Today only what is believed to be his skull remains, and it is held at a convent at Mons. Curiously some years later, a poem entitled "de Sancta Dagoberto martyre prose" appeared. Its message was that Dagobert had been martyred for some reason and it was found at the Abbey of Orval.

The end of the Merovingian era

Dagobert's assassination effectively marked the end of the Merovingian era. After the death of Dagobert, the Merovingian dynasty fell into decline, although they managed to hang onto much of their status for nearly a hundred more years. However, many of the monarchs were too young to be effective, and were unable to defend themselves against the relentless.


Marriage of Clovis  and Clothilde





MEROVEUS, a Frankish chieftain, of whom little is known that is authentic, beyond the fact that; he was the grandfather of Clovis, the real founder of the Merovingians. Merovech (Latin: Meroveus or Merovius) is the semi-legendary founder of the Merovingian dynasty of the Salian Franks (although Chlodio may in fact be the founder), which later became the dominant Frankish tribe. He allegedly lived in the first half of the fifth century. His name is a Latinization of a form close to the Old High German given name Marwig, lit. "famed fight" (cf. māri "famous" + wīg "fight") compare modern Dutch marevecht "fight". The first Frankish royal dynasty called themselves Merovingians ("descendants of Meroveus") after him.

The Merovingian Dynasty was the first major royal dynasty of what would eventually become France. Descended from the Salian Franks, and supposedly possessing magical powers derived from long hair, the Merovingians ruled an empire that included much of modern France and quite a bit of Germany too, from 448 to 751 AD.

Their greatest legacies were the law codes they issued which neighbouring kingdoms were inspired to issue; and they helped to found the Catholic Church, via the Western Christian Empire.

The Merovingians maintained an uninterrupted, unquestioned reign over Gaul and West Germany for three centuries; but, in spite of their achievements, history largely ignored the likes of Clovis I for the more enigmatic Arthur, or the more imperial Charlemagne, both of whom had better publicists.

Meroveus II

The semi-legendary Meroveus II, otherwise known as Merovech or Merowig, was crowned King of the Franks (or at least of his tribe of Franks) in 448 at the age of 15, and it is from him that the Merovingian Dynasty derives its name. Which was quite an achievement for someone of questionable parentage.

His father, Clodion VI, was the first to commit his tribe's laws to paper, laws which would later be known as the Salic Laws.

Childeric I

While Meroveus II provided the name, bloodline and quite a bit of mythology, his son Childeric is credited with the actual founding of the dynasty. A sometime Roman ally, his grave, supposedly discovered in Tournai in 1653, yielded hundreds of Byzantine coins, and the accoutrements of Roman nobility, indicating some standing with Roman Empire. However, like his father, Childeric is a figure shrouded in mystery.

Clovis I

Clovis, who succeeded his father Childeric I in 481, did much to establish Frankish power. Under his rule, the Merovingians carved out a kingdom that spanned from the Pyrenees to the Rhine. His conversion to Catholicism in 496 gave the embattled Church a powerful ally and its first kingly barbarian convert.

Clovis was a militant convert, though only nominally Christian. Despite the Church's objections, he still kept up his favourite hobbies of bigamy, assassinating rivals and conquering his in-laws. He once said of the Crucifixion, 'If I had been there with my Franks, I would have avenged His wrong', proving that he didn't fully grasp the new philosophy.

Clovis died in 511 and was buried in the church of St Genevieve on the Parisian south bank, a church he himself had built. The kingdom was divided among Clovis' sons, as was the style at the time.

Dagobert I

Ascending the throne in 630, Dagobert was the last truly effective Merovingian king. He was responsible for reforming the Frankish economy, exchanging gold coin for silver, and for bringing civilized notions to his neighbours. The Ripuarian Franks, the Alemanni and the Bavarians all had their own law codes written up for them by Dagobert's scholars.

Childeric III

The last Merovingian king, Childeric was a puppet to the man who would eventually replace him and establish a new dynasty. Most of the actual administration of the Merovingian kingdom was carried out by a Mayor of the Palace, a kind of prime minister; and during the last 100 years of Merovingian rule, more and more power slipped into the hands of the mayors.

The kings of the Late Merovingian period are often referred to as les rois faineants or the feeble kings, partly due to their lack of authority, but mostly because the average age of ascendants was six.

Childeric was deposed by his own mayor Pepin III, otherwise known as Pepin the Short, in 751. He was imprisoned and given a haircut to deprive him of any mystical powers he might have been hiding, deposit et detonsit. Pepin and his descendants, most notably Charlemagne, went on to establish the better known, but shorter-lived, Carolingian Dynasty. Childeric died four years later.

1 Exactly what those powers were is unclear. Super-dandruff perhaps?
2 His mother was a princess, one father a king, the other an unidentified seamonster.
3 Named after the Salian Franks, these laws outlined various crimes and punishments, as well as rules of inheritance. The latter were used to prevent women from claiming the throne.
4 By consolidating the Salian and Ripuarian Franks, Clovis is considered by some to be the founder of the Merovingian Dynasty.
5 Claimants to the throne had an unfortunate tendency of not dying of old age. (BBC)



The Merovigians were a dynasty of Frankish kings, descended, according to tradition, from Merovech, chief of the Salian Franks , whose son was Childeric I and whose grandson was Clovis I , the founder of the Frankish monarchy. Merovingian kings followed Frankish custom in dividing the patrimony. After the death (511) of Clovis I, the kingdom was divided among his descendants into various kingdoms, which later became known as Austrasia , Neustria , and Burgundy . These kingdoms, whose borders were constantly shifting, were often combined; for brief periods, they were all united in a single realm under Clotaire I (558-61), Clotaire II (613-23), and Dagobert I (629-39). The rule of the Merovingians before Dagobert I was disturbed by chronic warfare among aristocrats and rivals for power, notably between Queen Brunhilda of Austrasia and Queen Fredegunde of Neustria. Dagobert I was the last active ruler; his descendants were called the rois fainéants, or idle kings. They were entirely subject to their mayors of the palace, the Carolingians , who became the nominal as well as the actual rulers of the Franks when Pepin the Short deposed (751) the last Merovingian king, Childeric III.

The Merovingians & The Crown of Europe:

Since the time of Clovis I, the Merovingian kings of France have been the rightful heirs to the senior crown of Europe - that of the Holy Roman Empire, although that right has not always been recognized.

The title that Clovis and his descendants were originally given by the Pope when the covenant between the Vatican and the Merovingians first began in 496 A.D. was “New Constantine”, giving him secular authority over the choicest bits of Roman Catholic Europe, just like the authority which the namesake of the office, Constantine, had once enjoyed.

Constantine had been the “thirteenth apostle”, and was responsible for the incorporation of Roman Catholicism into the Roman institution. He was therefore also a priest-king, holding spiritual dominion as well as secular dominion, just as previous Roman emperors had done. However, when later Merovingian kings began to exhibit a desire to exercise their own spiritual authority, it sparked a chain of events that culminated in the assassination of Dagobert II, the last effective Merovingian king, and the loss of the title “New Constantine” for his descendants.

Despite the eventualites which befell Dagobert II, the Merovingian descendants have always taken their right to the title, and their right to European hegemony, very seriously, in a manner that seems to be rooted in something more ancient than the time of Clovis. They believe, that they were entitled to rule over Europe long before it was sanctioned by the Pope. This “Divine Right” was recognized by their loyal subjects as well, who regarded the Merovingians as semi-divine priest-kings, and who formed a cult worshipping Dagobert II after his death. With a following like that, the Merovingians were not about to give up their rightful inheritance without a fight.

Less than 200 years after Dagobert II, a man named Charlemagne (Charles the Great), who married a Merovingian princess, was made Holy Roman Emperor, and given dominion over a land mass greater even than that which the Merovingians had possessed. Thus began the majestic Carolingian dynasty, consisting after Charlemagne of men with partially Merovingian blood. Charlemagne too was considered a priest-king, and is probably the most famous and beloved figure in French history.

Charlemagne's Empire would eventually encompass a significant portion of Western Europe, which was at that time, the foremost bastion of culture, science, philosophy, and morality, a light in the darkness, surrounded on all fronts by uncivilized barbarian hordes.

The Carolingian dynasty ended in 918, but the Holy Roman Empire continued to play a decisive role in the unfolding of its destiny. It was during this time that the Empire began to turn its sights towards the Holy Land. The first Crusade began in 1095, and the entire enterprise was brought about because of the pressure that certain Merovingian descendants placed upon the Pope and the nobility of Europe.

Genetics of the Franks

Based on the results from the Benelux Y-DNA Project it can be inferred that the Franks's main paternal lineage was haplogroup R1b-U106, and that they belonged overwhemingly the Z381 subclade. They also possessed other typical Germanic lineages like I1I2a2a and R1a (L664 and Z283 subclades), although their ratio to R1b-U106 would have been 1:2, 1:6 and 1:7 respectively. Like modern Scandinavians, the Franks also probably carried a substantial amount of R1b-P312 lineages, including the L21, U152 and DF27 subclades, as well as a minority of E-V13, G2a3b1 and J2. Since all these lineages are also typical of population of Celtic or Italic (including Roman) descent, is not clear at present what proportion of these lineages in the Benelux can be attributed to the Gauls and the Romans, as opposed to the Franks.




Merovingian Origins

Presented to the Baronial Order of the Magna Charta and the Military Order of the Crusades, Corinthian Yacht Club,Essington, PA
21 October 2006

by: COL Charles C. Lucas, Jr. MD

This was an area of Eurasia that included the Caucasians including Azerbaijan, the central Asia steppes including Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Afghanistan, the valley of the Indus or that area between India and Pakistan, and the southern Ukraine with the lower Danube and Bulgaria.

Scholars regard the Scythians as an Iranian nomadic people speaking several languages but mostly Iranian (or Parsi which later became Farsi).

Scythians have left important ethnological markers such as tamgas (brand marks) and kurgans (permanent cemeteries). A 2500 year old mummy was recently found in the snow capped mountains of Mongolia with blond hair, tattoos, and weaponry. The mummy was preserved by ice and was found at 2600 meters. This find extended the range of the territory further east of the Scythians than had been previously thought.

It should be pointed out that the last ice age ended about 9,000 to 10,000 years ago, or about the 8 th millennium BC. Carbon 14 dating has allowed archaeologists to trace the emergence of the Scythians to the Sayan-Altay mountains from 3000BC to about 500BC. These mountains are where Russia, China, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan come together. They are also known as the homeland of the Turks. The mean elevation in the central area is about 4500 meters. About 900 BC the Scythians began a western migration.

They were nomadic warriors who rode horses bareback and who used archers, and the women fought along side the men. Women dressed like men. They were described by Homer and Herodotus. Herodotus, the Greek historian wrote about them in his Histories of the 5th Century. They became slave traders, merchants, and shippers. They were described as long haired warriors who were ferocious. Edmund Spenser wrote that the primary nation that settled Ireland were the Scythians , and that they also settled Scotland. It has been shown that the Scythians landed in Cornwall. In Shakespeare’s King Lear, Act 1, Scene 1, he writes of the barbarous Scythian.

It is thought that tribes of the Scythians settled Greece, and also moved into eastern Europe.

Haplotypes from current Y Chromosome DNA studies show that Central Asia was a mixing pot of several population groups. Haplotype R1a and R1b is found in eastern and western Asia as well as Europe and the United States.

Ancient Greece was formed in the third millennium BC when people known as Greeks migrated south to the Balkans in waves, the last being the Dorian invasion about 2300 BC. 1600-1100 BC is described as Mycenaean Greece known for the Wars against Troy as narrated by Homer. Ancient Greece ended with the end of the reign of Alexander the Great in 323 BC.

Herodotus, 484-425BC, was a Dorian Greek historian who is regarded as the father of history, and who was the author of The Histories- a 6 volume series.


Herodotus described the Cimmerians of the north Black Sea coast as a distinctly autonomous tribe expelled by the Scythians. The Cimmerians in 714 BC were in the region of Azerbaijan, and in the 7 and 8th century BC were in southern Russia and Ukraine. Their language was Iranian.

There were many off shoots of the Cimmerians. Numerous Celtic and Germanic peoples descended from the Cimmerians. The etymology of Wales is said to descend from the Cimmerians. The Celts in France were known as Gauls. The Celts spread into present day Italy where remnants in the town of Doccia, in the province of Emilia-Romagna, showcase Celtic houses in very good condition dating from the 4th century BC.

Sicambri The west Germanic tribe of the Sicambri descended from the Cimmerians. The Sicambri were located along the right bank of the Rhine and appear about 55 BC. They fought several wars with Rome, namely one led by
Gaius Julius Caesar. In 16 BC they defeated the Roman army under Marcus Lollius. About 11 BC they were forced to move to the left side of the Rhine by Nero Claudius Drusus.

Merovingians The Merovingians claimed their descent from the Sicambri, who they believed were originally a Scythian or Cimmerian tribe once inhabiting the river Danube that changed their name to the Franks in 11 BC under the leadership of a chieftain called “Frankus”. The Franks first appear in historical writing in the 3rd century. The Merovinginans traced their Sicambrian origins from Marcomir I-died 412 BC and ultimately to the Kings of Troy. Marcomir I lived around 400 BC and preceded the Merovingian dynasty.

St. Gregory, Bishop of Tours was installed in 573 and was made
Master of Tours by Sigibert I, King of Austrasia (561-576). St. Gregory of Tours, who was the leading historian wrote that the Frankish leader Clovis on the occasion of his baptism into the Catholic faith in 496 was referred to as Sicambrian by the officiating Bishop of Rheims.


Troy was a legendary city established about 3000 BC and was the center of the Trojan Wars, which occurred about 1200 BC. These wars were described in the Iliad by Homer, who was a blind Greek historian. Today Troy is an archaeological site in northwest Turkey. Troy was founded by Dardanus, son of the Trojan Royal Family of Electra and Zeus. One generation before the Trojan War, Heracles captured Troy and killed Leomedon, but spared his son Priam who became King of Troy. During his reign, the Mycenaean Greeks invaded and captured Troy in the Trojan War 1193-1183 BC.

It is from Priam, King of Troy that Roderick Stuart in Royalty for Commoners shows descent from the Cimmerians to the Sicambri to the Merovingians.


Rome was founded 21 April 753 BC from settlements around a fjord on the River Tiber by Romulus and Remus, sons of the Trojan prince Aenas. Romulus killed Remus and became the first of the seven kings of Rome. The Roman Republic was established around 509 BC. By 200 BC Rome had become the dominant Mediterranean power. About 55 BC Gaius Julius Caesar was in power, and by 31 BC Augustus had consolidated his power. The Roman Empire is said to have ended as such in 476 AD when Odoacer, the Barbarian Germanic General deposed Romulus Agustulus. (Ian Woods states that Odoacer deposing Agustulus is speculation).

Barbarian Kings The Roman Empire was replaced with a number of states ruled by barbarian kings. In the 6th century Italy was controlled by the Ostragoths, France by the Franks, and Burgundians, and Spain by the Visigoths. A century later, the Lombards controlled northern Italy, and the Franks were unchallenged in France, and the Anglos and Saxons were in Britannia.

It was the kingdom of the Franks which was to exercise the most influence for the longest time. For the first three centuries of its existence until 751 it was ruled by a single family, that of the Merovingians.

There were two groups of Franks-the Salian Franks and the Ripuarian Franks.

The Salian Franks (sea dwelling) lived North and East of Limes in the Dutch coastal area and in the 5th century migrated throughout Belgium and into northern France. By the 4th and 5th centuries, the Belgium city of Tournai had become the center of activity.

The Ripuarian Franks (river dwelling) lived along the Rhine river, and were perhaps called Ripuarian by the Romans.

By the 9th century any differences between these two groups had disappeared.

They were involved with the Romans as military recruits in the 5th century. Gregory of Tours, the historian, placed the emergence of the Merovingians at the conclusion of the Frankish migration. The Liber Historiae Francorum went further, connecting them with the Trojan migration.

Gregory of Tours wrote that the Franks had created long haired kings in Thuringia (Belgium). Gregory of Tours was troubled that there was no clear passage of royalty to the Franks from a line of Kings, but other scholars were not troubled since historical records were lacking.

As indicated the line of Frankish Kings began with Frankus
who died 11 BC. The line continues from Frankus to Chlodio.


The history of Chlodio comes from Gregory of Tours and

Sidonius Apollinarius.

Chlodio, was a semi legendary King of the Salian Franks. He lived in Dispargum which was a castle. Around 431 he invaded the territory of Artois but was defeated near Hesdin by Aetius, Commander of the Roman Army in Gaul. He regrouped and captured Cambrai (Cameracum) and occupied territory as far as the Somme River. He made Tournai the capital of all Salian Franks. He died 447-449.

MEROVINGIAN KINGS MEROVEE (MEROVECH) According to the Chronicles of Fredegar, Merovee (Merovech) the first of the Merovingian Kings was conceived by Chlodio’s wife when she went swimming and was encountered by a Quinotaur, a sea monster. The royal dynasty was thus given a supernatural origin. The actual parentage of Merovee is subject to conjecture, but he was clearly a Frank. Stuart in Royalty for Commoners states he was either a son or a son in law of Chlodio.

Merovee, the first Merovingian King, fought along side Flavius Aetius the Roman ruler when Attila the Hun was defeated in 451. Merovee was proclaimed King of the Franks in 448 and reigned for 10 years.

Under Merovee and his successors, the kingdom of the Franks flourished. It was not the crude barbaric culture often imagined. It warrants comparision with the high culture of the Byzantines. Secular literacy was encouraged.
They built lavish Roman styled amphitheaters in Paris and Soissons. The Franks were brutal but not like the Goths and the Huns. They accumulated immense wealth. They were active in farming, commerce, and maritime trade. Their gold coins that were minted bore an equal arm cross.

Childeric I The son of Merovee was Childeric I, who fought Odoacer at Angiers. Childeric was expelled from the Franks for sexual profligacy. Childeric returned to power and married the wife of the King of Thurigia. Childeric’s grave was found in 1653 in Tournai and was filled with weapons, gold, jewelry, Byzantine coins, and gold cicadas or bees. This is one of the most important medieval treasures ever found.

The Bishop of Rheims wrote a letter to Clovis, son of Childeric I which has been preserved. With Clovis, we have the beginnings of a substantial documented history. Gregory of Tours could at last chronicle a Barbarian King.

Clovis reigned from 481-511 and was the major Merovingian King as was Charlemagne the major Carolingian King.

Gregory of Tours writes that Clovis defeated Syagrius; he then married Clothilda, daughter of a Burgundian King, who attempted to convert him to Christianity but failed. Clothilda was later named a Saint.

Beginning as early as 496 there were secret meetings between Clovis and Saint Remy, confessor of the wife of Clovis. Soon thereafter an agreement of cooperation was signed between Clovis and the Roman Church. Such an agreement was important because it transformed the less than unified Roman Church to one of supreme power in the West. Clovis became the sword of the Church.

During a battle against the Alamans, he vowed to become a Christian if he was victorious. He won and was baptized by the Bishop of Rheims in 496. On his return he received consular office from the eastern emperor (the Western Roman Empire had ceased to exist) and he established Paris as his capital. He was named Novus Constantinus-the new Constantine. At his baptism, Saint Remy said

“Sicambrian revere what thou hast burned and burn what thou hast revered.”

There was now a powerful religion, and a powerful Church being administered by a Merovingian bloodline.

Clovis allied with Godegisel against the Burgundian King Gundobad, but the latter survived. Clovis then attacked the Visigoths because they were heretics.

His last years were spent eliminating rival Frankish leaders. The sister of Clovis, Audofleda married the Ostrogothic King Theodoric and there were further marriages between the Visigoths, Thuringians, Herules and Burgundians, further consolidating the empire of the Franks.

The conversion of Clovis to Catholicism made him more acceptable to the Gallo Romans. In 511 he convened an ecclesiastical council in Orleans to discuss matters of newly acquired Aquitaine. When Clovis died in 511, the Frankish kingdom was the most powerful in Gaul.

After Clovis died, his kingdom was divided into 4 parts-one for each of his 4 sons. For more than a century thereafter, the Merovingian Dynasty presided over a number of disparate and warring kingdoms.

Clothair II Clothair II reigned 584-629 and reunited the Kingdom of the Franks. He signed the Perpetual Constitution which was an early Magna Charta.

As the Merovingian Kings were concerned with ritual, pomp, and circumstance, the actual administration of the empire was left to the Mayors of the Palaces.

Dagobert II In 651 Dagobert II came to power and was a worthy successor to Clovis. He amassed power and authority and great wealth which has been reported to have been located at Rennes le Chateau. He also seemed to lose interest in protecting the Roman Church and expanding it. Dagobert II married a Visigoth princess, and further expanded the empire to Languedoc. In doing so he created enemies-both secular and ecclesiastic. His Mayor of the Palace, Pepin the Fat aligned himself with enemies of Dagobert II.
Dagobert II had a major capital at Stenay which included a huge forest. On 23 December 679, while resting during a hunt in the forest, a servant under the direction of Pepin the Fat killed him. He was buried at Stenay, the royal chapel of Saint Remy. In 872, he was made a Saint. For all practical purposes, this ended the real power of the Merovingian Kings. The Mayors of the Palaces developed more and more power.

Charles Martel The most important Mayor of the Palace and an extremely important historical figure was Charles Martel, or Charles the Hammer who was born 686 and died 741. He expanded his rule over all three Frankish kingdoms: Austrasia, Neustria, and Burgundy. He was the illegitimate son of Pippin the Middle and his concubine Alpaida. He won the Battle of Tours in 732 which saved Europe from Muslim expansionism. He was a brilliant general and is considered the father of western heavy cavalry. He was the founder of the Carolingian Empire which was named after him.

In 737 King Theuderic died and Martel titled himself Major Domus and Princeps et dux Francorum and did not appoint a new King. The throne was vacant until the death of Martel. He was buried at Saint Denis Basilica. Before his death he divided his properties among his sons.

German and French historians have treated Charles Martel with great acclaim and believe that he saved Europe from Islam. He was called the hero of the age and it was said he delivered Christiandom.

Usurpation by the Carolingians First Carolingian King
Ten years after the death of Charles Martel, his son Pippin III or Pippin the Younger, or Pippin the Short, Mayor of the Palace to King Childeric III enlisted the support of the Pope in overthrowing the Merovingians.

Pippin’s ambassadors to Pope Zachary asked: “who should be King, the man who actually holds power or he though he is King has no power at all?”

The Pope then ordered that by apostolic authority Pippin III, or Pippin the Younger, or Pippin the Short, be created King of all the Franks, thus betraying the pact which had been made with Clovis. Pippin deposed Childeric III, and had his head shaved, and confined him to a monastery.

In 754 Pippin III was anointed at Ponthion. He died in 768 and is buried at St. Denis. In 740 he married Bertrada of Laon. Bertrada descended from the Merovingian Kings.

Charlemagne was the son of Pippin and Bertrada.

Accomplishments of the Merovingians

When Childeric III was deposed, the Merovingians were the longest ruling dynasty in western Europe.

Clovis I, Clovis II, Childeric II, and Dagobert II were very strong rulers.

Childebert III operated successively with the aristocracy.

The people east of the Rhine were also subject to the Merovingians.

Merovingian history provides a focus for understanding the political history of western Europe in the two and half centuries following the deposition of Romulus Augustulus.

The Merovingian kingdom had a significant role to play in the transmission of culture from the late Roman period to the Carolingian period.

The Rhone valley was a storehouse of manuscripts, without which Benedict Biscop could never have equipped the great monastery of Monkwearmouth/Jarrow in England.

The Merovingian Church had a distinguished tradition in ecclesiastical legislation in the 6th and 7th centuries; it witnessed a flowering of monastic tradition. It was an institution heavily involved in politics. Boniface’s death at Dokkum can be seen as the last chapter in the Merovingian Church.

Some authors such as Fredegar and the author of
Annales Mettenses Priores perhaps down played the achievements of the Merovingians, yet to accept such readings is to oversimplify Merovingian history.

The Merovingian kingdom boasted no counterpart to Gregory the Great, Isidore, Bede, or Boniface; nevertheless no other state equaled the overall achievement of the Franks in the sixth, seventh, and eight centuries.

Royalty for Commoners by Roderick W. Stuart
Merovingian Kingdoms 450-751 by Ian Wood

Articles from Wikipedia Encyclopedia with References

Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Baigent, Leigh, Lincoln
Catholic Encyclopedia




The Merovingians, founders of Europe:

The Franks formed one of several west Germanic tribes who entered the late Roman Empire from Frisia as foederati and established a lasting realm in an area that covers part of today's France, and Germany (Franconia), forming the historic kernel of both these two modern countries.

The Frankish realm underwent many partitions and repartitions, since the Franks divided their property among surviving sons, and lacking a broad sense of a res publica, they conceived of the realm as a large extent of private property. This practice explains in part the difficulty of describing precisely the dates and physical boundaries of any of the Frankish kingdoms and who ruled the various sections.
The contraction of literacy while the Franks ruled compounds the problem: they produced few contemporary written records. In essence however, two dynasties of leaders succeeded each other, first the Merovingians and then the Carolingians.

The word frank meant "free" in the Frankish language. Freedom did not extend to women or to the population of slaves that moved with the free Franks. Initially two main subdivisions existed within the Franks: the Salian ("salty") and the Ripuarian ("river") Franks. By the 9th century, if not earlier, this division had in practice become virtually non-existent, but continued for some time to have implications for the legal system under which a person could go on trial.

The earliest Frankish history remains relatively unclear. Our main source, the Gallo-Roman chronicler Gregory of Tours, whose Historia Francorum (History of the Franks) covers the period up to 594, quotes from otherwise lost sources like Sulpicius Alexander and Frigeridus and profits from personal contact with many Frankish notables known to Gregory personally. Apart from Gregory's History there exist some earlier Roman sources, such as Ammianus and Sidonius Apollinaris

Modern scholars of the period of the migrations have suggested that the Frankish people emerged from the unification of various earlier, smaller Germanic groups inhabiting the Rhine valley and lands immediately to the east, a social development perhaps related to the increasing disorder and upheaval experienced in the area as a result of the war between Rome and the Marcomanni, which began in 166 C.E., and subsequent conflicts of the late 2nd century and the 3rd century C.E. For his part, Gregory states that the Franks originally lived in Pannonia, but later settled on the banks of the Rhine. A region in the northeast of the modern-day Netherlands -- north of the erstwhile Roman border -- bears the name Salland, and may have received that name from the Salians.

Around 250 CE a group of Franks, taking advantage of a weakened Roman Empire, penetrated as far as Tarragona in present-day Spain, plaguing this region for about a decade before Roman forces subdued them and expelled them from Roman territory. About forty years later, the Franks had the Scheldt region under control and interfered with the waterways to Britain; Roman forces pacified the region, but did not expel the Franks.

In 355 - 358 the later Emperor Julian once again found the shipping lanes on the Rhine under control of the Franks and again pacified them. Rome granted a considerable part of Belgica to the Franks. From this time on they become foederati of the Roman Empire. A region roughly corresponding to present-day Flanders and the Netherlands south of the rivers remains a Germanic-speaking region to this day. (The West Germanic language known as Dutch predominates there now.) The Franks thus became the first Germanic people who permanently settled within Roman territory.

From their heartland the Franks gradually conquered most of Roman Gaul north of the Loire valley and east of Visigothic Aquitaine. At first they helped defend the border as allies; for example, when a major invasion of mostly East Germanic tribes crossed the Rhine 406, the Franks fought against these invaders. The major thrust of the invasion passed south of the Loire river. (In the region of Paris, Roman control persisted until 486, i.e. a decade after the fall of the emperors of Ravenna, in part due to alliances with the Franks.)

The Merovingians

The reigns of earlier Frankish chieftains -- Pharamond (about 419 until about 427) and Chlodio (about 427 until about 447) -- seem to owe more to myth than fact, and their relationship to the Merovingian line remains uncertain.

Gregory mentions Chlodio as the first king who started the conquest of Gaul by taking Camaracum (today's Cambrai) and expanding the border down to the Somme. This probably took some time; Sidonius relates that Aetius surprised the Franks and drove them back (probably around 431). This period marks the beginning of a situation that would endure for many centuries: the Germanic Franks became rulers over an increasing number of Gallo-Roman subjects.

In 451 Aetius called upon his Germanic allies on Roman soil to help fight off an invasion by the Huns. The Salian Franks answered the call, the Ripuarians fought on both sides as some of them lived outside the Empire. At this time Merovech reigned as king of the Franks. Gregory's (oral) sources tentatively identify Merovech as a possible son of Chlodio.

Clovis engaged in a campaign of consolidating the various Frankish kingdoms in Gaul and the Rhineland, which included defeating Syagrius in 486. This victory ended Roman control in the Paris region.

In the Battle of Vouillé (507), Clovis, with the help of Burgundy, defeated the Visigoths, expanding his realm eastwards up to the Pyrenees mountains.

The conversion of Clovis to Roman Catholicism, after his marriage to the Catholic Burgundian princess Clothilde in 493, may have helped to increase his standing in the eyes of the Pope and the other orthodox Catholic rulers. Clovis' conversion signalled the conversion of the rest of the Franks. Because they were able to worship with their Catholic neighbors, the newly-Catholicized Franks found much easier acceptance from the local Gallo-Roman population than did the Arian Visigoths, Vandals or Burgundians. The Merovingians thus built what eventually proved the most stable of the successor-kingdoms in the west.

Stability, however, did not feature day-to-day in the Merovingian era. While casual violence existed to a degree in late Roman times, the introduction of the Germanic practice of the blood-feud to obtain personal justice led to a perception of increased lawlessness. Disruptions to trade occurred, and civic life became increasingly difficult, which led to an increasingly localized and fragmented society based on self-sufficient villas. Literacy practically disappeared outside of churches and monasteries.

The Merovingian chieftains adhered to the Germanic practice of dividing their lands among their sons, and the frequent division, reunification and redivision of territories often resulted in murder and warfare within the leading families. So on Clovis's death in 511, his four sons divided his realm between themselves, and over the next two centuries his descendants shared the kingship.

The Frankish area expanded further under Clovis' sons, eventually covering most of present-day France, but including areas east of the Rhine river as well, such as Alamannia (today's southwestern Germany) and Thuringia (from 531). Saxony, however, remained outside the Frankish realm until conquered by Charlemagne centuries later.

After a temporary reunification of the separate kingdoms under Clotaire I, the Frankish lands split once again in 561 into Neustria, Austrasia, and Burgundy.

In each Frankish kingdom the Mayor of the Palace served as the chief officer of state. From about the turn of the eighth century, the Austrasian Mayors tended to wield the real power in the kingdom, laying the foundation for a new dynasty: their descendants the Carolingians.

The Carolingians

Merovingians: The Once, The Present, & Future kings Carolingian kingship traditionally begins with the deposition of the last Merovingian king and the accession in 751 of Pippin the Short, father of Charlemagne. Pippin had succeeded his own father, Charles Martel, as Mayor of the Palace of a reunited and re-erected Frankish kingdom comprised of the formerly independent parts.

Pippin reigned as an elected king. Although such elections happened infrequently, a general rule in Germanic law stated that the king relied on the support of his leading men. These men reserved the right to choose a new leader if they felt that the old one could not lead them in profitable battle. While in later France the kingdom became hereditary, the kings of the later Holy Roman Empire proved unable to abolish the elective tradition and continued as elected rulers until the Empire's formal end in 1806.

Pippin solidified his position in 754 by entering into an alliance with Pope Stephen III against the Lombards; this papal support proved crucial to silencing any objections to his new position. Pippin donated the re-conquered areas around Rome to the Pope, laying the foundation for the Papal States, of which only the Vatican City remains today, and in turn received the title patricius Romanorum (protector of the Romans).

Upon Pippin's death in 768, his sons, Charles and Carloman, once again divided the kingdom between themselves. However, Carloman withdrew to a monastery and died shortly thereafter, leaving sole rule to his brother, who would later become known as Charlemagne and become an almost mythical figure for the later history of both France and Germany.

From 772 onwards, Charles conquered and eventually defeated the Saxons to incorporate their realm into the Frankish kingdom. This campaign expanded the practice of non-Roman Catholic rulers undertaking the conversion of their neighbors by armed force; Frankish Catholic missionaries, along with others from Ireland and Anglo-Saxon England, had entered Saxon lands since the mid-8th century, resulting in increasing conflict with the Saxons, who resisted the missionary efforts and parallel military incursions.

Charles' main Saxon opponent, Widukind, accepted baptism in 785 as part of a peace agreement, but other Saxon leaders continued to fight. Upon his victory in 787 at Verden, Charles ordered the wholesale killing of thousands of pagan Saxon prisoners. After several more uprisings, the Saxons suffered definitive defeat in 804.

This expanded the Frankish kingdom eastwards as far as the Elbe river, something the Roman empire had only attempted once, and at which it failed in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest (9 AD). In order to more effectively 'catholicize' the Saxons, Charles founded several bishoprics, among them Bremen, Münster, Paderborn, and Osnabrück.

At the same time (773-774), Charles conquered the Lombards and thus could include northern Italy in his sphere of influence. He renewed the Vatican donation and the promise to the papacy of continued Frankish protection.

In 788, Tassilo, dux (duke) of Bavaria rebelled against Charles. After the quashing of the rebellion Bavaria became incorporated into Charles' kingdom. This not only added to the royal fisc, but also drastically reduced the power and influence of the Agilolfings (Tassilo's family), another leading family among the Franks and potential rivals. Until 796, Charles continued to expand the kingdom even farther southeast, into today's Austria and parts of Croatia.

Charles thus created a realm that spanned from the Pyrenees in the southwest (actually, including an area in Northern Spain after 795) over almost all of today's France (except Brittany, which the Franks never conquered) eastwards to most of today's Germany, including northern Italy and today's Austria.

On December 23 and 24, 800, Pope Leo III crowned Charles as Emperor in Rome in a ceremony that formally acknowledged the Frankish Empire as the successor of the (Western) Roman one. The coronation gave the Empire the backing of the church, and gave permanent legitimacy to Carolingian primacy among the Franks. The Ottonians later resurrected this connection in A.D. 962. In 812 the Byzantine Emperor Michael I Rhangabes acknowledged Charlemagne's position as Emperor.

Upon Charlemagne's death on January 28, 814 in Aachen, he was buried in his own Palace Chapel at Aachen.

Charlemagne had several sons, but only one survived him. This son, Louis the Pious, followed his father as the ruler of a united Empire. But sole inheritance remained a matter of chance, rather than intent. When Louis died in 840, the Carolingians adhered to the custom of partible inheritance, and the Treaty of Verdun in 843 divided the Empire in three:

1. Louis' eldest surviving son Lothair became Emperor and ruler of the Central Franks. His three sons in turn divided this kingdom between them into Lotharingia, Burgundy and (Northern) Italy. These areas would later vanish as separate kingdoms.

2. Louis' second son, Louis the German, became King of the East Franks. This area formed the kernel of the later Holy Roman Empire, which eventually evolved into modern Germany.

3. His third son Charles the Bald became King of the West Franks; this area became the foundation for the later France. For his successors, see the List of French monarchs.

The Merovingian-Carolingian Legacy

Although an historical accident, the unification of most of what is now western and central Europe under one chief ruler provided a fertile ground for the continuation of what is known as the Carolingian Renaissance. Despite the almost constant internecine warfare the Carolingian Empire endured, the extension of Frankish rule and Roman Catholicism over such a large area ensured a fundamental unity throughout the Empire.

Each part of the Carolingian Empire developed differently; Frankish government and culture depended very much upon individual rulers and their aims. Those aims shifted as easily as the changing political alliances within the Frankish leading families. However, those families, the Carolingians included, all shared the same basic beliefs and ideas of government.

These ideas and beliefs had their roots in a background that drew from both Roman and Germanic tradition, a tradition that began before the Carolingian ascent and continued to some extent even after the deaths of Louis the Pious and his sons.

When modern historians (from the late 18th century on) hearken back to an example of a unified Europe, they turn to the Carolingian Empire, not to the Roman Empire. Whether the Carolingian Empire lasted (or, one could argue, ever really existed as an Empire per se) in a geographical or political sense has no material bearing on this view. The model of several individual kingdoms (or regna, to give them their proper names) under one rule clearly resonates today.

One might argue that the divisions of Verdun still provide the general borders of Germany, France, and Italy, but one can scarcely suppose that they provide any clear cultural divide. They cannot divide the Germanic-Roman Catholic legacy initiated by Clovis I king of the Merovingians, and later, continued and solidified, under the Carolingingians.










The Nephilim

The Cult of the Black Virgin

Identity of the False Christ

The Sacred Marriage

The Bloodline From Hell

William Cooper & The Three Bears

The False Prophet

Michael the Counterfeit Archangel

The Roman Dragon


     By Barbara Aho



The following pages are selected portions of a longer report on this website, The False Gospel in the Stars, which is an expose of the astrological signs that will be used by false teachers to validate the credentials of the Antichrist and False Prophet.  Many of the current projections concerning the identities of these personages are in fact disinformation calculated to deceive the masses.  Adding to the general ignorance, there is little information coming forth in the way of exposure of the Merovingian dynasty as the Satanic bloodline from which the Antichrist and False Prophet will come.  Whatever lipservice is paid to this subject is usually tainted with enough misinformation to keep the masses of Christians ignorant of the truth.


Yet the Bible presents specific evidence concerning the identities of the Antichrist and False Prophet, the Mark of the BeastMystery Babylon the Great and other entities that will be imperative for God’s elect to recognize during the Tribulation Period.  We believe that New Agers already know the identity of the False Christ, the False Prophet and various other Tribulation counterfeits through their study of astrology, as interpreted by a large body of occult tradition and the current propaganda proliferating through New Age publications. There is no reason that Christians, given the same information available to New Agers, and aided by a right understanding of Scripture, cannot discern and rightly interpret this end-time enigma. The alternative is to be at the mercy of a massive disinformation campaign that is being conducted within the Christian community by the same New Age network which is planning the destruction of Christianity and return of mankind to the paganism of the ancient world.


The term “Merovingian” is said to derive from Merovee who was King of the Franks from 447-458 A.D.  Despite recent claims that the Merovingian Franks were sired by Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, and are therefore “divine,” the legend of King Merovee conceals the true origins of the Merovingian race in remote antiquity. According to the legend, as explained in Bloodline of the Holy Grail, Merovee had two fathers, King Clodion and a strange “beast of the sea.” 

“Despite the carefully listed genealogies of his time, the heritage of Meroveus was strangely obscured in the monastic annals. Although the rightful son of Clodion, he was nonetheless said by the historian Priscus to have been sired by an arcane sea creature, the Bistea Neptunis...

“The Sicambrian Franks, from whose female line the Merovingians emerged were associated with Grecian Arcadia before migrating to the Rhineland. As we have seen, they called themselves the Newmage —‘People of the New Covenant’, just as the Essenes of Qumran had once been known. It was the Arcadian legacy that was responsible for the mysterious sea beast — the Bistea Neptunis — as symbolically defined in the Merovingian ancestry. The relevant sea-lord was King Pallas, a god of old Arcadia. His predecessor was the great Oceanus.  The immortal sea-lord was said to be ‘'ever-incarnate in a dynasty of ancient kings’ whose symbol was a fish - as was the traditional symbol of Jesus.” (Laurence Gardner, Bloodline of the Holy Grail, pp. 166, 175)

The Bistea Neptunis was worshipped in classical antiquity as the Roman god, Neptune, and as Poseidon in Greek mythology. Neptune was the mythological god of the sea who is said to have founded Atlantis, which is the pagan version of the pre-flood civilization which God judged in Genesis 7.  Revelation 13:1, which identifies the Antichrist systen as “the beast that rises out of the sea,” becomes crystal clear upon discovery that a demonic bloodline which exists today that was originally sired by a mysterious “sea beast”—the Bistea Neptunis.  

“And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” (Rev. 13:1-2)

“Meroveus” derives from the French words “mer” meaning “sea” and “vere” meaning “werewolf” or “dragon.”  The book of Revelation informs us the dragon is “the Devil, and Satan”:

“And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels...  And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” (Rev. 12:9)

Bloodline of the Holy Grail, Holy Blood, Holy Grail and The Da Vinci Code were popular books marketed for mass consumption and, as such, were propaganda tools which concealed the true origins of the Merovingian race.  For their esoteric allusion to the Merovingians’ legendary progenitor, King Merovee, having been sired by a mysterious “beast of the sea” is a claim of literal Satanic descent.

The demonic origins and history of the Merovingian Dynasty—also known as the Dragon Dynasty in honor the great red dragon of of Revelation 12 and 13—are revealed in less available insider sources such as Gardner’s Realm of the Ring Lords and “Kenneth Grant and the Merovingian Mythos” published by DragonKey Press.

“...The ancient people of the Tuatha De Danann...were the supernatural tribe of the pre-Achaean agricultural goddess Danae of Argos, or perhaps of the Aegean mother-goddess, Danu. But their true name rendered in its older form was Tuadhe d’Anu. As such, they were the people (or tribe) of Anu, the great sky god of the Anunnaki.” (Gardner, Realm of the Ring Lords: The Myths and Magic of the Grail Quest)

“The Nephilim were banished to the center of the earth for disobeying God by mating with the daughters of men and teaching them the ‘forbidden’ arts. In this publication the Nephilim have been identified as the Fathers of the Merovingians...

“...the Merovingian race was sired by a water beast known as the Quinotaur. This Quinotaur took the form of a sea-bull. Crowley’s personal seal was of a sea goat. Grant, writing of Crowley’s Seal of the Beast, says: ‘The beast is the sea-goat or amphibious monster identical with Cthulhu, the Quinotaure or Bull of the Deep.’ Grant writes as a footnote; ‘The waters under the earth; home of the ‘ancestors’ or subconscious atavisms of the race.’ Is this a reference to the race of the Grail?” (“Kenneth Grant and the Merovingian Mythos”)

Merovingian claims of angelic ancestry may seem too bizarre to be true, however, as mentioned above, such a race of demonic origin is found in Scripture:

“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.” - Gen. 6:1-7

The Hebrew word nephiyl is properly translated fallen ones and refers to the offspring of fallen angels who mated with human women on Mount Hermon in the land of Canaan.  It may be that “after that” in Gen. 6:4 refers to a second invasion of fallen angels after the flood, which would explain why the Israelites found giants (Nephilim) in Canaan upon entry into the Promised Land: “And there we saw the Nephilim, the sons of Anak, who come of the Nephilim; and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.'” (Num. 13:33, Hebrew Masoretic Text, Hebrew-English JPS 1917 Ed.)  

“Some commentators have speculated that the Nephilim of Numbers 13 belonged to a second eruption of fallen angels, since the earlier Nephilim had been destroyed in the Flood. And they see an allusion to this in Genesis 6:4, where it states that ‘there were Nephilim in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men.’ Could it be that the ‘after that’ was a reference to the Nephilim found in Canaan during the Israelite entry into the land? If so, it could explain why the Lord commanded the total extermination of the Canaanites, as He had earlier ordered the near annihilation of the human race.”  (“Sons of God, Daughters of Men”)

Sodom and Gomorrah were Canaanite settlements that practiced cult prostitution in conjunction with their fertility rites. Jude 7 suggests that the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrha were so depraved that fornication with angels was practiced, as the record of Genesis 19 also attests. 

“And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.” (Jude 6-7)

“And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground; And he said, Behold now, my lords, turn in, I pray you, into your servant's house, and tarry all night, and wash your feet, and ye shall rise up early, and go on your ways. And they said, Nay; but we will abide in the street all night. And he pressed upon them greatly; and they turned in unto him, and entered into his house; and he made them a feast, and did bake unleavened bread, and they did eat. But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter: And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.” (Gen. 19:1-5)

The Canaanite territory of northern Israel was later occupied by the tribe of Dan, whose worship of Baal/Pan involved such fertility rites at Mount Hermon, also called Mount Sion. The Merovingians are the offspring of the tribe of Dan which intermarried with the Canaanite Tuatha De Danann, also known as the Dragon Lords of Anu because they were the offspring of the fallen angels (Anunnaki).

“Through the work of Sir Laurence Gardener we discover that Sumaire in the old Irish language means Dragon. He writes: ‘It is also reckoned that the subsequent culture of the region, phonetically called Sumerian (pronounced ‘Shumerian’) was actually Sidhemurian (Shee-murian). This case is now considerable since the early Ring Lords of Scythia (the Tuatha De Danaan king tribe) were actually called the ‘Sumaire’.’

“During the days of the Biblical Great Exodus, a group separated from Moses and went to the North. This group was the Tribe of Dann. Millions went and settled in the European and Scandinavian areas. From there they spread out to other parts of the world... conquering the countries, spreading their Anunnaki seed and replacing the conquered people’s traditions with their own serpent culture.” (“The Tribe of Dann and the Lost Tribe of Israel”)

The Tribe of Dann said to have “separated from Moses" may have been among the mixed multitude that left Egypt with the Israelites (Exodus 12:38) and "fell a lusting" in Numbers 11:4.  In these verses, the term “mixed multitude” may, in fact, describe the hybrid genetic composition of this group.

“The Nephilim were the fallen angels, cast out of heaven after rebelling against God. The word Nephal means, ‘to fall’ and means ‘the fallen one.’ Their leader was also a fallen Son of God, Lucifer (Satan). The Nephilim came from a class of angels called ‘the watchers’, and not all watchers fell. The souls derived from the union of the Nephilim and mortal women were called the ‘mixed multitude’...” (The Ark of Millions of Years, p. 333)

When God dispersed the northern tribes of Israel for their wickedness, the tribe of Dan migrated to Greece, and later to France and the British Isles where they established pagan priesthoods and royal dynasties of the demonic bloodline:

“The Tuatha De Danann (or Dragon Lords of Anu)...[before settling in Ireland (from about 800 B.C.)]...were the...Black Sea princes of Scythia (now Ukrane). Like the original dynastic Pharaohs, they traced their descent from the great Pendragons of Mesopotamia; from them sprang the kingly lines of the Irish Bruithnigh and the Picts of Scotland’s Caledonia. In Wales they founded the Royal House of Gwynedd, while in Cornwall in the southwest of England, they were the sacred gentry known as Pict-Sidhe.

“So, from a single caste of the original Blood Royal - whether known as the Sangréal, the Albi-gens or the Ring Lords - we discover many of the descriptive terms which sit at the very heart of popular folklore. For here, in this one noble race, we have the ‘elves’, ‘fairies’ and ‘pixies’ - not beguiling little folk, but distinguished Kings and Queens of the Dragon succession.” (Gardner, In the Realm of the Ring Lords, Pt. 1)

In ‘The Psalter of Cashel’ it states that: ‘The Tuatha de Danaan’ ruled in Ireland for about two centuries, and were highly skilled in architecture and other arts from their long residence in Greece.’ The Tuatha de Danaan were the descendants of Danaus, the son of Belus, who went with his fifty daughters to Argos, the home of his ancestrous Io. In Irish legends the Tuatha de Danaan, who were considered to be demi-gods,...were said to have possessed a... Grail-like vessel... These teachers of wisdom...were the founders of the Druidic priesthood.” (Van Buren, The Sign of the Dove, pp. 141-2)

The progenitors of the Tuatha De Danaan, the Dragon Lords of Anu (Anunnaki), still communicate with mankind, however, since the arrival and ascendance of Christianity, they must now resort to various disguises to camouflage their true identity. Among their myriad guises are apparitions of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, gods and goddesses of ancient cultures, angels, dead saints or famous people, extraterrestrials — whatever life form is appropriate to obtain acceptance and a foothold in a given culture or subculture:

“Though communications between the space races and our own continued, they were severely curtailed and went underground... The DANAAN (a collective convention-name to avoid confusion), always jealous of their technology and secrets, were demonized by the various religions that guarded the traditions established by them long ago, since corrupted by man through ignorance.

“From active persecution by the Church of contactees between their race and ours in the Dark Ages, man progressed to the point that he dealt with the problem through ridicule or derision by Science instead, in time ascribing the space races to personifications of psychological projections (archetypes), bedtime fables, and sanitized surrogates such as fairies, the boogeyman and Santa Claus...

“When they interact with man, it is through their dreams and in riddles...and a variety of identical gods in all cultures, seeming to prefer inspiring from behind the scenes to any kind of direct communication. When overt contact is necessary, they assume the guise of the Virgin Mary, the Corn Mother, angels, kachinas, or whatever is appropriate for that culture. There is a strong circumstantial evidence for this race’s continual intervention on a number of levels in man’s development from the crudely physical to the artistic, scientific and esoteric.

“They cover their tracks with hypnosis and probably drugs or some other high technology, to cloud the memories of their visitants. Their rituals and ways of life derive from a worship of the harmony of nature and the mastery of the mind of man over it.

“There has never been a time in mans’ history that these people were absent and nothing occurring in today’s UFO and abduction phenomena has not been recorded throughout. The only difference today is that there is much more evidence of the encounters, and contact is becoming increasingly visible. They mythical record the world over speaks of is a Golden Age in which man and the gods (angels) freely and openly interacted, and all such records have prophesied that a time would come when a new Golden Age would occur, all former secrets being revealed.” (“History of the Red-Haired Race: Tuatha de Danaan”)


During the first century A.D., Alexandria, Egypt was a veritable hotbed of mystical activity, a crucible in which, according to Holy Blood, Holy Grail, "Judaic, Mithraic, Zoroastrian, Pythagorean, Hermetic, and neo-Platonic doctrines suffused the air and combined with innumerable others." (31:123)  It was in the early centuries of the Christian era that the ancient worship of the Mother Goddess was introduced to Christianity by Jews who had fled Israel and embraced Alexandrian Neo-Platonism, which is just a rehash of Greek paganism. "The Neo-Platonists are Greek philosophers who lived long enough after Plato to have lost the name of Platonists as far as modern scholars are concerned (although they were intellectual disciples of Plato and considered themselves Platonists)." (942:72)


In ancient times, mankind worshipped the hosts of heaven, believing them to be gods and goddesses who ruled the pre-flood civilization of Atlantis.  Ancient man believed that the constellation Virgo was the Great Mother Goddess who ruled over a Golden Age called Lemuria, which preceded Atlantis. This astrological tradition was transmitted to successive pagan cultures through the ages of mankind. "Some of the mythological representations of Virgo are Nana, Eve, Istar, Demeter, Hecate, Themis, Hera, Astraea, Diana, Cybele, Isis, Fortuna, Erigone, Sibylla and the Virgin Mother. All representations of the Great Mother in some form. She who existed before the masculine gods of ancient and classical mythology." (Stories of the Constellations: The Legend of Virgo: 905)


The Greek adaptation of Virgo, was Demeter, whose daughter Kore was abducted by Pluto, the god of the underworld. Kore would remain the dark lord's queen and her name would no longer be Kore, the maiden, but Persephone, "she who is to be feared".  The Alexandrian Jews who worshipped the Greek goddess, Kore, managed to convert their pagan goddess worship into a theologically respectable tradition called Gnosticism by giving the goddess the trappings of Christianity. Although they worshipped her as the Holy Virgin, "virginity" has an altogether different connotation to Gnostics than it does to Christians.

"Another important feature of the Gnostic tradition of Epiphany is that it is really a feminine holiday. St. Clement of Alexandria (c. 194) mentioned that the followers of the Gnostic master Basilides feasted on the day of the Baptism and kept a long vigil before it. Epiphanius (305-402) gave us a detailed description of how the Alexandrian Gnostics celebrated the Epiphany. They did this in the sanctuary of the Maiden Goddess Kore whom they equated with the image of the Holy Virgin. At midnight they descended with torches into the crypt of the temple and brought the wooden statue of Kore forth in procession. The Maiden was represented naked and sitting, with crosses marked on her brow, her hands and her knees. The statue was carried seven times around the central shrine and was then retired to the crypt once more. The Gnostics said that on this day, Kore, the Virgin, gave birth to the divine principle known as the Christ. It is from the feminine intuitive consciousness and feeling nature that the messianic power, of individuated consciousness is born. Thus the human nature of Jesus or Everyman is transformed into divine and spiritual nature by the holy female power, the Holy Spirit, in the initiation rite of baptism." (Gnostic Liturgical Calendar: 834)

It is important to note that the heretic, Basilides, was an Gnostic Jew of Alexandria, as was his contemporary, the arch heretic Valentinus.

It was in the Gnostic culture of Alexandria that the Mother Goddess evolved into Mary Magdalene. Ean Begg wrote in The Cult of the Black Virgin that "...many of the finest Gnostic writings are of Alexandrian inspiration or origin. Alexandria is also the main source of Gnostic works linking Jesus with Mary Magdalene. According to this tradition it was through the Magdalen, rather than through Peter and the male apostles, that Jesus transmitted his secret doctrine." (272:128)  In their endeavors to relocate the center of Christianity in Alexandria, Egypt, the Gnostics misrepresent Mary Magdalene as a native of the Magdolum in Egypt, which they associate with Migdol:

"There is no necessity to endeavor to crowbar [Mary Magdalene] into a Galilean setting, for there are other intriguing alternatives for her place of origin: although there was no ‘Magdala’ in Judea in her day, there was a Magdolum in Egypt - just across the border - which was probably the Migdol mentioned in Ezekiel.  There was a large and flourishing Jewish community in Egypt at that time, which was particularly centered on the great sea port of Alexandria, a seething cosmopolitan melting pot of many races, nationalities and religions  and perhaps where the Holy Family had fled to escape the depredations of Herod’s men." (Mary Magdalene Files: 843)

There is no mention of Migdol in the book of Ezekiel, however the prophet Jeremiah reproved the apostate Jews who took up residence in Migdol, in Egypt, for disobeying the Lord who had commanded them to go with their countrymen to Babylon. The prophet Jeremiah specifically admonished the Jews in Egypt for their worship of the Mother Goddess:

The word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the Jews which dwell in the land of Egypt, which dwell at Migdol, and at Tahpanhes, and at Noph, and in the country of Pathros, saying, Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Ye have seen all the evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem, and upon all the cities of Judah; and, behold, this day they are a desolation, and no man dwelleth therein, Because of their wickedness which they have committed to provoke me to anger, in that they went to burn incense, and to serve other gods, whom they knew not, neither they, ye, nor your fathers...

Then all the men which knew that their wives had burned incense unto other gods, and all the women that stood by, a great multitude, even all the people that dwelt in the land of Egypt, in Pathros, answered Jeremiah, saying, As for the word that thou hast spoken unto us in the name of the LORD, we will not hearken unto thee. But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our princes, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem: for then had we plenty of victuals, and were well, and saw no evil. But since we left off to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, we have wanted all things, and have been consumed by the sword and by the famine. And when we burned incense to the queen of heaven, and poured out drink offerings unto her, did we make her cakes to worship her, and pour out drink offerings unto her, without our men? - Jer. 44:1-3,15-19

Here it is apparent that the worship of the Mother Goddess, Virgo, under the appellation of Isis, spread from Egypt into Israel and from Israel to the centers of the Roman Empire:

"The cult of Isis was widespread in the Egypt of the dynastic period. From Egypt it spread northwards to Phoenicia, Syria and Palestine; to Asia Minor; to Cyprus, Rhodes, Crete, Samos and other islands in the Aegean; to many parts of mainland Greece - Corinth, Argos and Thessaly amongst them; to Malta and Sicily; and, finally, to Rome. In the first century BC, Isis was perhaps the most popular goddess in the Eternal City, from which her cult spread to the furthest limits of the Roman Empire, including Britain: her only rival was Mithras. - (Star Lore: 920)

 In fact, the worship of the Virgin Mary in the Roman Catholic Church, along with the entire body of Catholic tradition, can be traced to the worship of Isis in Egypt. {See: Mystery Babylon the Great: Catholic or Jewish?}

"Immaculate is our Lady Isis...the very terms applied afterwards to that personage (the Virgin Mary) who succeeded to her form, titles, symbols, rites, and ceremonies... Thus, her devotees carried into the new priesthood the former badges of their profession, the obligation to celibacy, the tonsure, and the surplice, omitting, unfortunately, the frequent ablutions prescribed by the ancient creed. The 'Black Virgins', so highly reverenced in certain French cathedrals...proved, when at last critically examined, basalt figures of Isis!'" (Isis, the Black Virgin: 921)

In 412 A.D., Cyril of Alexandria became the Bishop of Alexandria. In Isis Unveiled, H.P. Blavatsky wrote: "...Cyril, the Bishop of Alexandria, had openly embraced the cause of Isis, the Egyptian goddess, and had anthropomorphized her into Mary, the mother of God..." (195:41, Vol.II)  During his bishopric, Cyril wrote passionately and voluminously against the Nestorian heresy, and was largely instrumental in having it condemned at the Council of Ephesus in 431. 

The Third Ecumenical Council was held at Ephesus in Greece, whose philosophy and culture were, like Egypt, derived from the occult traditions of the pre-Flood civilization. The Council of Ephesus condemned the Nestorian heresy but approved the veneration of the Virgin Mary as "Theotokos" ---the God-Bearer or Mother of God. Nestorius and the Nestorians were exiled to the Persian Empire and become the Assyrian Orthodox Church of the East. However, in what appears to have been a classic dialectical operation, the path had been cleared for Mary to be transformed from the "Mother of God" to a deity in the image of the Mother Goddess, Isis, who shared in the divinity of her son, Horus.

In her article on Mariology, Keri Mills posited that the issue driving the great Nestorian controversy was really the doctrine of Mary rather than the doctrine of Christ:

"Catholics claim that no serious question was raised about Mary's sinlessness after the Council of Ephesus in AD 431 which declared Mary to be 'God bearer, Mother of God'. What is not explained is the reason why no questions (according to the RCC) were raised after the council. It is clearly documented that Nestorius, bishop of Constantinople, was declared a heretic and exiled because he rejected the popular title given to Mary (Mother of God). The church would claim that Nestorius made it appear, in his emphasis on the reality of the humanity of Jesus, that Christ was two persons or 'two sons' the son of Mary and the son of God. Interestingly, the writings of Ignatius, a disciple of the apostle John and bishop of Antioch, declared a similar thought, 'Mary is presented as Mother of Christ according to his human nature, as the heavenly Father is his Father according to his divine nature (To the Ephesians)', with the same purpose to refute heretical thinking, and yet he is not declared a heretic. Nestorius was declared a heretic based on power politics and his denial of Mary as God-bearer, not on Christology. Nestorius was refuting heretical ideas that Christ was not flesh, only deity. In his autobiography, he insisted that he did not oppose the title 'God-bearer' because he denied the Godhead of Christ, but rather to distinguish that Jesus was a genuine human being born with a body and soul. He insisted that calling Mary 'God-bearer, Mother of God' was to declare that God could be born of a woman. Parents pre-exist their children, yet Mary a mortal woman could not pre-exist God; in fact the paradox remains clear to this day that Jesus the son of Mary pre-existed Mary. Yet with the reign of Constantine, the church had gained power, and so no serious questions would be raised outwardly, without the backing of the majority, once that power had been exercised on Nestorius." (Mariology: 849)

Even the trappings of monasticism that found a home in Roman Catholicism originated in the asceticism that was prevalent in Egypt, dating back to Hermes Trismegestis. Hermes or Thoth, a demi-god from the pre-flood civilization of Atlantis, became the prototype of the 'hermit' monk. The Council of Nicea in 321 A.D. may have been another dialectical operation. There St. Athanasius (296-373 AD), as Bishop of Alexandria, valiantly combated the Arian heresy which challenged the divinity of Jesus Christ. However, Athanasius also used that council as an opportunity to incorporate in the canons of the Church the requirement of celibacy for Christian leaders. (Catholic Encyclopedia: 548)  Following his victory over the heresiarch Arius and the Arians, Athanasius traveled throughout Europe promoting monasticism and asceticism. He is credited with introducing monasticism specifically to the Romans and Germans.

In the Gnostic theology of Athanasius, only ascetics were considered the Bride of Christ, a pernicious teaching which influenced many devout  Christians to seek Christ in monasteries and convents. Although the religious orders had the outward appearance of spiritual piety, they were often, however, fronts for occult as well as homosexual/lesbian activity. That asceticism, enforced celibacy and monastic life have borne evil fruit throughout the centuries is evident in the rampant sexual perversion of the Roman Catholic priesthood and hierarchy.

It was through the establishment of monasteries that the Merovingian Jews, whose forefathers were the Alexandrian Gnostics, began to infiltrate and mold the theology and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. Many of the popes were Merovingian monks who forced masses of European Jews to convert to Roman Catholicism., with the result that the Church incorporated traditions from both Judaism, the Talmud and the Kabbalah. (See: Mystery Babylon the Great: Catholic or Jewish?)  We believe it will be from the monastic movement that the False Prophet, a Merovingian, will rise to prominence and power as the Antichrist's right hand man.


In the thoroughly pagan milieu of Alexandria, an Egyptian priest and magus by the name of Ormesius founded the monastic Society of Ormus. The members of this society included the Therapeutae of Alexandria and the Essenes of Qumran—apostate Jews who had embraced the Neo-Platonist doctrine of the lost continent of Atlantis. Gnostics allege that Ormesius was a convert of St. Mark, however, such conversions are a common modus operandi of infiltrators with hidden agendas. As a false convert, Ormesius would synthesize Christianity with the paganism of Alexandria, Egypt and establish the monastic society which was the original "Order of the Rosy Cross":

"According to Baron de Westerode, the founder of the Rosicrucians was one Ormesius, who had been converted by St. Mark, at Alexandria, in A.D. 46. He purified the Egyptian Rites, and reconciled them with Christianity, carrying his disciples with him, and founded the Society of ORMUS, or of the Light, each member wearing a red cross. To this society the Essenes and Therapeutae joined themselves, and conserved the Masonic Secrets." (Antiquities of the Illuminati, Part 3: 636)

The Society of Ormus would eventually relocate to Italy and, in 1070 A.D., move to territory in France owned by Godfroi de Bouillon, the first Grand Master of the Prieuré de Sion. There Ormus changed its name to the "Ordre de Sion" and the monks were given a tract of land owned by one Bernard of Clairvaux.  St. Bernard, who was the founder of the Cistercian Order of monks, also wrote of the Rule of the Templars. According to Holy Blood, Holy Grail, the Society of Ormus, which became the Ordre de Sion, then became the Prieuré de Sion. 

"The 'Prieuré documents' imply abbey existed by 1100 and housed an order of [Ordre de Sion] which may have been formed earlier... It is known that in 1070, twenty-nine years before the First Crusade, a specific band of monks from Calabria in southern Italy arrived in the vicinity of the Ardennes Forrest, part of Godfroi de Bouillon's domains. According to Gérard de Sède this band of monks was led by an individual called Ursus—a name the 'Prieuré documents' consistently associate with the Merovingian bloodline... [A]t Orval, not far from Stenay, where Dagobert II had been assassinated some five hundred years abbey was established to house the monks... By 1108 they had mysteriously disappeared... Orval, by 1131, had become one of the fiefs owned by Saint Bernard...

    "In 1188 the Ordre de Sion is...said to have modified its name, adopting the one which has allegedly obtained to the present—the Prieuré de Sion. As a kind of subtitle it is said to have adopted the curious name 'Ormus.' This subtitle was supposedly used until 1306—a year before the arrest of the French Templars. The device for 'Ormus'...involves a kind of acrostic or anagram which combines a number of key words and symbols. Ours means 'bear' in French—Ursus in Latin, an echo, as subsequently became apparent, of Dagobert II and the Merovingian dynasty. Orme is French for 'elm.' Or, of course, is 'gold.' And the M that forms the frame enclosing the other letters is not only an M but also the astrological sign for Virgo—connoting, in the language of medieval iconography, Notre Dame...

    ""...mysterious Abbey of Orval...[is] where our research suggested the Prieuré de Sion may have had its inception." (31:113,122)

The signature of the Prieuré de Sion incorporated the sign of Virgo [c] with the four letters ORUS, which stood for Horus, in the form of a cross:

"...consider the device of the Priory of SION, namely, the name Ormus, and its glyph. The glyph is as follows:


[note, for older browsers: this is OR + Virgo Sign + US, the Virgo Sign in the standard font, "Wingdings"]

"What is this? Ormus, that is, Virgo and ORUS. What is ORUS? ORUS is a corrupted form of Horus, and is used in Crowley's 5th Degree Ritual for the OTO. His Rose-Croix ritual includes an analysis of the Keyword, much like in the Golden Dawn Adeptus Minor Ceremony, only IAO stands not for ISIS, APOPHIS, and OSIRIS, but IACCHUS, ASI, and ORUS." (937)

According to Holy Blood, Holy Grail, Ormus evolved into the Order of the Prieuré de Sion of the Rosy Cross: "One is intended to see in Ormus the origins of the so-called Rose-Croix, or Rosicrucians. And in 1188 the Prieuré de Sion is said to have adopted a second subtitle in addition to Ormus. It is said to have called itself L'Ordre de la Rose-Croix Veritas... Ormus...[was] the name allegedly adopted by the Prieuré de Sion between 1188 and 1307." - 31:123,185

Charles Nodier, Grand Master of the Prieuré de Sion from 1801-1884, averred that this secret order presided over a global network of secret societies: "There are a great many secret societies in operation, Nodier declares. But there is one, he adds, that takes precedence over all others, that in fact presides over all others. According to Nodier this 'supreme' secret society is called the Philadelphes. At the same time, however, he speaks of 'the oath which forbids me to make them known under their social name.' Nevertheless there is a hint of Sion..." (31:152)

In 1099, the Merovingian Jews in collusion with Pope Urban II, also a Merovingian, launched the First Crusade. An article titled The Merovingian Infiltration of the Christian World Through Monasticism confirms what we have long suspected, that Urban was not the first Merovingian pope, but the 6th in a succession of French Merovingian popes beginning in 999 A.D.

“1088: Urban II, French Prior of Cluny (Reformed Benedictines) becomes the pope. Urban was of the 'Eudes' family, not only the name of the King of the Franks, Eudes, who ruled 888 to 898 and considered one of the antecedent kings of the Capetian House of France, but also the name of the Royal Capetian line of Burgundy, great grandson of Hugh Capet, Eudes I the RED of Burgundy who acceded 1079, NINE years before Urban (Eudes) became pope. And Eudes the Red acceded in that specific year because his brother, Hugh I of Burgundy, had abdicated to become the Prior of Cluny!  Now something is very amiss here ! Is this just coincidence? Both were sons of Henry of Burgundy who married Sibylle of Barcelona. Henry was son of Robert I of Burgundy, who was the son of Hugh Capet. Barcelona, home of their mother, was part of the Spanish March connected to Septimania and, here too, the Duke of Aquitaine in 1012 was Eudes of Aquitaine ! And Aquitaine and Septimania are extremely significant :

“It happens that Septimania (Languedoc) is exactly where the Jesus-Magdalene heresy flourished, and where there was a large population of Cathar Jews who were given independent status by Pepin, Carolingian King. Thence their own kings ruled as: 'seed of the Royal House of David', each acknowledged as 'King of the Jews', most famous of whom was Guillem de Gellone, the Prince of Orange. Confusing this issue, these kings also claimed to be of Merovingian descent ; but not confusing when one realizes that Jesus was of the House of David and Mary Magdalene was from the town Magdala, 4 miles from Tiberius, founded by Herod Antipas, who was an Edomite descendant of Esau with whom Benjaminites married. Additionally, Absolom, David’s son, who pulled a coup d’etat on his own father in an attempt to take his throne, had a rebel following who would have joined the Benjaminite cause. Absalom died when his long hair got caught in branches in the forest during the Coup. (2 Sam:18:9) And the Merovingians, first Dynasty of French kings, were the Long Haired Kings!!

“The details of the separate kingdom of Septimania were erased from history books; but the descendant bloodlines were apparently the 'heretical Royal Bloodlines' as : Dukes of Aquitaine, Dukes of Lorraine, Dukes of Guise; Counts of Barcelona, Counts of Toulouse, Counts of Auvergne; Counts of Razes. (HBHB, pp 368-371) And it was precisely a Duke of Aquitaine who founded Cluny! Thus, Septimania now becomes extremely important, for now Urban II, descendant of the Eudes of Septimania and Cluny Prior, is the pope who will call the first Crusades resulting in the crowning of a direct lineal descendant of Guillem de Gellone, named Godfroi de Bouillon, Duke of Lorraine, as King of Jerusalem!  Aquitaine is so-named on maps of Second Century Roman Empire and comprised then, the whole area from Languedoc, South France, to Poitou and Anjou. Septimania was the area that was later known as the Languedoc.”

The pretext for the First Crusade—recovery of the Temple treasures and sacred sites—concealed the real motive of the Merovingians, which was to rebuild the ancient Temple of Solomon. In Chapter XXX, “Knight Kadosh” of Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike wrote of the Crusader Knights of the Temple:

"In 1118, nine Knights Crusaders in the East, among whom were Geoffroi de Saint-Omer and Hugues de Payens, consecrated themselves to religion, and took an oath between the hands of the Patriarch of Constantinople, a See always secretly or openly hostile to that of Rome from the time of Photius. The avowed objective of the Templars was to protect the Christians who came to visit the Holy Places: their secret object was the re-building of the Temple of Solomon on the model prophesied by Ezekiel.

"This re-building, formally predicted by the Judaizing Mystics of the earlier ages, had become the secret dream of the Patriarchs of the Orient. The Temple of Solomon, re-built and consecrated to the Catholic worship would become, in effect, the Metropolis of the Universe; the East would prevail over the West, and the Patriarchs of Constantinople would possess themselves of the Papal power.

"The Templars, or Poor Fellow-Soldiery of the Holy House of the Temple intended to be rebuilt, took as their models, in the Bible, the Warrior-Masons of Zorobabel, who worked, holding the sword in one hand and the trowel in the other. Therefore it was that the Sword and the Trowell were the insignia of the Templars, who subsequently, as will be seen, concealed themselves under the name of Brethren Masons. [This name, Freres Macons in the French, adopted by way of secret reference to the Builders of the Second Temple, was corrupted in English into Free-Masons, as Pythagore de Crotone was into Peter Gower of Groton in England. Khairum or Khur-um, (a name mis-rendered into Hiram) from an artificer in brass and other metals, became the Chief Builder of the Haikal Kadosh, the Holy House, of the Temple,... and the words Bonai and Banaim yet appear in the Masonic Degrees, meaning Builder and Builders.]

"The trowel of the Templars is quadruple, and the triangular plates of it are arranged in the form of a cross, making the Kabalistic pantacle known by the name of the Cross of the East. The Knight of the East, and the Knight of the East and West, have in their titles secret allusions of whom they were at first the successors."

A secondary objective of the Knights Templar may have been to deposit the Merovingian "Holy Grail" cache at Jerusalem. These artifacts will probably be "discovered" in the future as "proof" of Merovingian claims of their "divine" blood.  In The Second Messiah, authors Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas identify the Merovingian Rex Deus families which conspired with the Merovingian pope—truly a Jewish fifth column within the Catholic Church—to recapture the Holy Land:

    "The picture that was emerging was of a group of European noble families, descended from the Jewish lines of David and Aaron, who had escaped from Jerusalem shortly before, or possible even just after, the fall of the Temple.  They had passed down the knowledge of the artifacts concealed within the Temple to a chosen son...of each family.  Some of the families involved were the Counts of Champagne, Lords of Gisors, Lords of Payen, Counts of Fontaine, Counts of Anjou, de Bouillon, St. Clairs of Roslin, Brienne, Joinville, Chaumont, St Clair de Gisor, St Clair de Neg and the Hapsburgs...

    "By 1095, the members of the Rex Deus families group were almost certainly fully Christianised, yet each of them must have had at least one male member who held the traditional history of their high-born Jewish roots close to his heart. No doubt they saw themselves as 'super-Christians', descendants of the very first Church, and privy to the greatest secret this side of heaven. They were a silent elite — 'the kings of God'.

    "Indeed, the history books record that [Pope Urban II's] leadership marked the papacy's assumption of the leadership of Western Christendom...

    "If the Rex Deus group did exist, it is easy to see how the First Crusade provided these families with a 'God-given' opportunity to return to their Holy Temple to recover the treasure that was their birthright - and it would be done at exactly the same time that the Jewish writer of the Gospel of John the Divine had predicted! The Rex Deus families were at the forefront of the First, and every Crusade. Medieval scholars have long wondered why it should be that the same families drove all of the Crusades for their entire duration, and now we had a possible answer.

    "Once the Christian armies had secured Jerusalem, the non-Rex Deus leaders were quickly removed and the families infiltrated the Jerusalem monarchy and the Church, to ensure that they would not be blocked in the holy endeavor of the 'Kings of God' to regain what their ancestors had left for them...

    " 1114...[the Rex Deus group] told Baldwin [King of Jerusalem] that they wanted to post a small contingent of knights in Jerusalem to carry out some exploratory digging under the pretext of being...guardians of the highways for pilgrims... Unfortunately, the king was not persuaded... In 1118, Baldwin I died at the age of sixty (presumably of natural causes) and his cousin was rapidly crowned King Baldwin II of Jerusalem. Within weeks, nine French knights were camped on the site of Herod's stables... The world was told their mission was to save the Christian pilgrims from the evil Muslim bandits, but their true mission was to locate and rescue the scrolls and treasures of the Jerusalem Church." (96:79-83)

In his book Behold a Pale Horse, William Cooper stated that the real treasure the Templars absconded with was not the Temple artifacts, but relics pertaining to Jesus Christ, including His bones!  We wondered for some time how Cooper knew this.  Not only did William Cooper claim to know what the relics of Jesus are, but where they are hidden. Underlying Cooper's belief in this heresy is his rejection of the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ:

"One of the greatest secrets of the ages is the true story of the Holy Grail, the robe of Jesus, the remains of the Cross of Crucifixion, and whether Jesus actually died or if he survived and produced a child. Many myths surround the Knights Templar concerning these relics, and most myths throughout history have at least some basis in fact. If my sources are correct, the Knights Templar survive today as a branch of the Illuminati and guard the relics, which are hidden in a location known only to them...

"According to members of the intelligence community, when the New World Order is solidified the relics will be taken out, will be united with the Spear of Destiny, and will, according to legend, give the world's ruler absolute power. This may confirm beliefs passed down through the ages that describe the significance of these relics when united in the hands of one man. It may also explain Hitler's desperate search for their hiding place during World War II. Again I must remind you that it makes not one iota of difference what you believe. If they believe, you will be affected.

"The Knights Templar were founded sometime during the 11th century in Jerusalem by the Prieuré de Sion for the express purpose of guarding the remaining relics of Jesus and to provide military protection for the religious travelers during their pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

"The Prieuré de Sion was a religious order founded upon Mount Sion in Jerusalem. The Order set for itself the goal of preserving and recording the bloodline of Jesus and the House of David. Through every means available to them, the Prieuré de Sion had found and retrieved the remaining relics. I am amazed at the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail and the information that they have unearthed. Most of all I am amazed at their inability to put the puzzle together. The treasure hidden in France is not the treasure of the Temple of Jerusalem. It is the Holy Grail itself, the robe of Jesus, the last remaining pieces of the Cross of Crucifixion, and, according to my sources, someone's bones. I can tell you that the reality of the bones will shake the world to its very foundations if I have been told the truth. The relics are hidden in France. I know the location and so do the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail, but they do not know that they know—or do they?" (Behold a Pale Horse, 51:75-6)

Behold a Pale Horse, Holy Blood, Holy Grail and the multitude of Grail publications all claim that the future revelation of the treasure of Rennes le Chateau, the French village where the Prieuré de Sion deposited the Templars' Grail cache, will be the undoing of Christianity.  The Prieuré obviously plans to produce, i.e. manufacture, relics which would disprove the divinity of Jesus Christ. A French website maintains that this is the famed secret of Rennes le Chateau:

"...that the treasure of Rennes is not material but that it contains the formal proof that the crucifixion did not take place and that Jesus was still alive in the year 45 (?!?!?). Source of this priest: another priest Anglican, Gun Alfred Leslie Lilley, died in 1940, which had contacts with the modernistic catholic movement (based at the beginning with St-Sulpice), like with Emile Hoffet." (948)

Meanwhile, back in Europe, "The legendary origin of so many statuettes in the baggage trains of returning crusaders, especially when they happened to be Templars, [was] no guarantee of the orthodoxy of their cult. That many legends of the period connect the twelfth-century Black Virgins with an earlier miraculous origin dating from the Merovingian period raises potentially disquieting religio-political questions." (272:13)

During medieval times, the Knights Templar were involved in the financing and otherwise lending support to the building of over 1,000 churches and cathedrals throughout Europe, many in honor of the Black Virgin. Following the dissolution of the Templars in 1307, the Prieuré de Sion carried on quietly mainstreaming the Black Virgin, particularly in France. Laurence Gardner wrote in Bloodline of the Holy Grail of the astrological configuration of the French cathedrals: "In accordance with the Hermetic principle of 'As above, so below', the combined ground-plan of the Notre Dame cathedrals replicates the Virgo constellation... {See The Virgo Cathedrals of Northern France  for this configuration.} The 'Notre Dame' cathedrals...were mainly the work of the 'Children of Solomon'—a guild of masons instructed by St. Bernard's Cistercian Order." (29:264, 66

    "The nine Knights were sent out by Bernard the Cistercian; gothic was born at Citeaux. The whole gothic formula derives from the Cistercians and the 'Conipagnons des Devoirs'—heirs of the builders of gothic cathedrals—make no mystery that they derive their characteristic 'feature', their descriptive geometry, indispensable for the erection of gothic monuments, from the Cistercian Order.
   "1020. This was a notable epoch in Romanesque architecture; the epoch during which Christianity decked itself with 'a display of white churches'; for this was the time when after a labour lasting five centuries the Benedictine abbeys succeeded in constituting a corps, a lay brotherhood of builders, affiliated to the Order, to which they could appeal for protection if necessary.
   "After the abbeys, where they trained their workmen, the Benedictines were able to put lay builders at the disposal of the secular church, often under the direction of monastic master-craftsmen...who came to build and teach in Normandy...

    "...beneath the aisles and choir of [Chartres Cathedral] called, wrongly, the crypt; a more exact designation would be 'the lower church'. There is a tradition that the builders' guilds, at least 'Children of Solomon', held ceremonies of initiation in this crypt." (Mysteries of Chartres Cathedral- 926)

The Black Virgin was, in reality, Virgo, the Great Mother Goddess known to the Egyptians as Isis, who was christened in Alexandria as Mary Magdalene. According to The Cult of the Black Virgin, the full name of the Prieuré is the Order of the Prieuré Notre Dame de Sion. Former Grand Master of the Prieuré, Pierre Plantard de Saint Clair, has identified Notre Dame as Our Lady of the Light, i.e. Lucifer, the Light-Bearer.

    "There exists in France an organization that has been in continuous existence since the twelfth century, that has some features both of an order of chivalry and of a religious order, though it is not quite either; a secret society which does not spurn the right sort of publicity; a political grouping with specific aims that is also interested in ancient esoteric wisdom and hidden mysteries. Its full name is the Order of the Prieuré Notre Dame de Sion, and its chief aim seems always to have been the restoration of the Merovingian blood-line to the throne. It is also passionately concerned with the cult of the Black Virgin and has a remarkable record of equal rights for women...

    "The Grand Master of the Prieuré 1981-4, Pierre Plantard, is reported as saying that the Sicambrians, ancestors of the Frankish Merovingians, worshipped Cybele as Diana of the Nine Fires, or as Arduina, the eponymous goddess of the Ardennes. The huge idol to Diana/Arduina which once towered over Carignan, in north-east France, between the Black Virgin sites of Orval, Avioth and Mezièrres, near to Stenay, where the Merovingian king and saint, Dagobert II, was murdered in 679, points circumstantially to a link between the two cults. In this connection Plantard mentions that one of the most important acts of Dagobert, when he acceded to the throne after his Irish exile, was to continue the ancient tradition of Gaul, the worship of the Black Virgin. The Black Virgin, he insists, is Isis and her name is Notre-Dame de Lumière." (Cult of the Black Virgin, 272:14)


As stated by Ean Begg, the raison d'être of the Prieuré de Sion is the restoration of the Merovingian dynasty as the royalty of Europe and eventually to a position of world supremacy.  From this bloodline—whose blasphemous claims of divinity refer to intermarriage between the pre-flood demons and the daughters of men—issued a truly Satanic dynasty of kings. As previously stated, the Merovingians boast that the founder of their dynasty, King Meroveus, a worshiper of the virgin goddess Diana of the Nine Fires, was sired by a 'beast of the sea'—Neptune, god of the sea and founder of Atlantis. According to the author of Bloodline of the Holy Grail:

"Despite the carefully listed genealogies of his time, the heritage of Meroveus was strangely obscured in the monastic annals. Although the rightful son of Clodion, he was nonetheless said by the historian Priscus to have been sired by an arcane sea creature, the Bistea Neptunis... The Sicambrian Franks, from whose female line the Merovingians emerged were associated with Grecian Arcadia before migrating to the Rhineland. As we have seen, they called themselves the Newmage — 'People of the New Covenant', just as the Essenes of Qumran had once been known. It was the Arcadian legacy that was responsible for the mysterious sea beast—the Bistea Neptunis— as symbolically defined in the Merovingian ancestry. The relevant sea-lord was King Pallas, a god of old Arcadia... The immortal sea-lord was said to be 'ever-incarnate in a dynasty of ancient kings' whose symbol was a fish - as was the traditional symbol of Jesus." - (29:166,175)

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. - Rev. 13:1

Not only was Meroveus sired by the sea beast, Neptune, the Merovingian race was sired by the Nephilim—that demonically-bred race of giants which God destroyed in the Flood. That the Merovingian bloodline is associated with the subterranean race that inhabits earth's center (Hell) is confirmed by DragonKey Press, where a review is posted of a book by Kenneth Grant, who was appointed by Aleister 'The Beast' Crowley to succeed him as Grand Master of the Ordo Templi Orientis:

"The Nephilim were banished to the center of the earth for disobeying God by mating with the daughters of men and teaching them the 'forbidden' arts. In this publication the Nephilim have been identified as the Fathers of the Merovingians...

"...the Merovingian race was sired by a water beast known as the Quinotaur. This Quinotaur took the form of a sea-bull. Crowley's personal seal was of a sea goat. Grant, writing of Crowley's Seal of the Beast, says: 'The beast is the sea-goat or amphibious monster identical with Cthulhu, the Quinotaure or Bull of the Deep.' Grant writes as a footnote; 'The waters under the earth; home of the 'ancestors' or subconscious atavisms of the race.' Is this a reference to the race of the Grail?." (571)

It was originally from Cain, whose descendants intermarried with the Nephilim, that the Grail race descended.  Enki, the twin brother of Enlil, is merely an anagram of Cain, whose twin was Abel according to occult belief.

"The mortal world spreads east and west and the land of le invisibles lies above and below it in the vertical dimensions of height and depths, north and south, Horus and Set.' This ties in with the Book of Enoch and the Hosts above and the fallen, banished Nephilim below. This also reminds us of the twins or brother gods in Sumeria called Enki and Enlil. Enki, the infernal of the two, represents Set and Enlil represents Horus (although in this context Enlil would also be Osiris.) In ancient mythologies names and stories can be switched and one god can also be an attribute of another. It's best to keep this in mind when studying this type of material. Set kills Osiris as Enki kills Enlil. As it has been shown in another article of this publication, Enki is associated with Cain, and Cain was a very bad boy. Enki was an infernal god that has been identified, in this publication, as siring the Merovingian race.

"...Enki has been associated with Set...who is also Satan...

"...Writing of the Great Old Ones or Elder Gods from Lovecraftian lore, Grant says, 'The letter M, the key vibration of the plane of the Elder Gods, is represented mythologically as the sea-goat, Makaru or as the crocodile, the beast of the waters.' Couldn't Makaru be a form of Merovee who spawned the Merovingians, and was sired himself from a sea-bull?  Tracy Twyman has already written of the connections between Lovecraft's Necronomicon Mythos and the Merovingians in her article Dead But Dreaming: The Great Old Ones of Lovecraftian Legend Reinterpreted as Sumerian/Atlantean Kings..."  (571)


"The Eye Over the Throne was a hieroglyph used in Egypt and Sumeria to denote the world monarchy of the Atlantean Gods. Since here it is called 'Kingu', obviously he was one of these 'kings', perhaps related etymologically to 'Cain', whose name is the root from which the word 'king' comes, and who is said to be one of the eldest ancestors of the Grail family." (922)

According to Blavatsky, after the Flood it was Noah's son, Ham, and his descendants, who preserved and carried on the occult traditions of Cain, including intermarriage with the gods:

"The history or 'fables' about the mysterious Telchines—fables echoing each and all the archaic events of our esoteric teachings—furnish us with a key to the origin of Cain's genealogy (Genesis, ch. iii.); they give the reason why the Roman Catholic Church identifies 'the accursed blood' of Cain and Ham with Sorcery, and makes it responsible for the Deluge. Were not the Telchines—it is argued—the mysterious ironworkers of Rhodes; they who were the first to raise statues to the gods, furnish them with weapons, and men with magic arts? And is it not they who were destroyed by a deluge at the command of Zeus, as the Cainites were by that of Jehovah?" (897:391)

Dagobert's Revenge recommends Tracy Twyman's "Dead But Dreaming: The Great Old Ones of Lovecraftian Legend Reinterpreted as Sumerian/Atlantean Kings" for information about the Atlantean gods, the Nephilim, who will rise again when the stars are in the right position. According to that informative article, the Nephilim preserved their occult traditions within the oath-bound secret societies which are now programming the younger generation to accept the Grail mythology as true.

"The Secret Doctrine given to the elite castes of mankind by the Nephilim or the 'Annunaki', the gods of ancient Sumeria and Atlantis, has been passed down through the ages, not only to the Masons, Templars, Rosicrucians, and other fraternal orders which perpetuate the tradition, but also to the teenage geeks and D & D 'gamers' of today via the [H.P.] Lovecraft/Necronomicon lore, which has given birth to a cornucopia of role-playing and computer games, in much the same way that Monty Python and the Society for Creative Anachronism have kept alive the Grail myth for these same teenagers." (922)

Twyman quotes The Necronomian, "a volume written in Damascus in the Eighth Century, A.D., by a person called the 'Mad Arab', Abdul Alhazred... This book, according to the mythos, contains the formulae for evoking incredible things into visible appearance, beings and monsters which dwell in the Abyss, and Outer Space, of the human psyche."  The Necronomicon, or "Book From the Dead" consists of messages from the ancient gods of Lemuria and Atlantis, who foretell that, when the stars are rightly positioned in the heavens, will be the opportune time for performing blood rituals to effect the resurrection of these 'sleeping' gods and their human offspring:

    "'There had been eons when other things ruled on the Earth, and they had had great cities. Remains of them, he said the deathless Chinaman had told him, were still to be found as Cyclopean stones on islands in the Pacific. They all died vast epochs of time before man came, but there were arts which could revive them when the stars had come round again to the right positions in the cycle of eternity. They had indeed come themselves from the stars, and brought their images with them.'


"Lovecraft, like Enoch, and like ancient man himself, conceived of the ancient Atlantean gods or Nephilim as possessing supernatural power, and, like Enoch, says that this power comes from the stars, that these beings in fact had come from the stars themselves, and seemed to be metaphysically affected by the movement of the stars, being able to resurrect from the dead only when the stars were in a certain position.

"Likewise, the Atlantean god-kings purposely associated themselves with the stars and the planets, taking on the personifications of planets and constellations, each of which had a particular 'energy' or 'plain of existence' associated with it. This energy could be further manipulated by the prayers and rituals of the cult members who are loyal to the Great Old Ones, and wish to see their kingdom rise again, in much the same way that Masons, Rosicrucians and other occultists today perform rituals in hope of bringing about the 'Great Work' called the 'New World Order', a new Golden Age just like the one that covered the Antediluvian world when the Atlantean god-kings (whom they revere) ruled over the Earth directly. The Eye in the Pyramid on our dollar bill, which represents the New World Order, is clearly a symbol of this newly-risen kingdom of Atlantis, 'watched over' (as in 'the Watchers') by the All-Seeing Eye, which could just as easily be the eye of Dagon, or Leviathan, or Cthulhu. It even looks reptilian, like it belongs on the face of a dragon.
   "The rise of R'lyeh, the New World Order, the New Atlantis, the New Jerusalem, the Golden Age, and even the Apocalypse - these are all terms for the same resurrection of the ancient global kingdom of the gods. Such a resurrection is also described in Aleister Crowley's The Book of the Law when he writes about the coming 'Age of Horus' and the return of the rule of the gods, as well as their offspring, the human 'kings'."  (922)

Alice Bailey associated the Grail bloodline with the sign of Virgo: "Virgo itself is a cup-shaped constellation...; in its highest meaning the Holy Grail."  Along with descent from immortal sea beasts, the Prieuré de Sion also alleges to have "incontrovertible proof" of Merovingian descent from Jesus Christ and His continuing bloodline, and has been working to reestablish the power of the Merovingian dynasty, this time over a world kingdom.


However, even Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln have admitted, "while the Merovingian royal blood was credited with a sacred, miraculous, and divine nature, it was not explicitly stated anywhere that this blood was in fact Jesus." Claims of direct descent from Jesus—who is at best another Jesus, Yeshu, an Essene adept who saves by giving gnosis rather than shedding his blood—and Mary Magdalene (the holy grail or womb which bore this other Jesus' children) are merely attempts to Christianize the demonic bloodline which will place Lucifer on the throne of this world.

"Writers examining the lives of Christ and Mary Magdalen in search of clues to the Grail mystery have been left with more questions than answers. And those going over the Bible with a fine-toothed comb have come up equally empty-handed. Undoubtedly the reason for this is due to the fact that the Holy Grail has virtually nothing to do with Christianity per se. Christ may have been a key figure in a long line of servants of the Grail, but its legacy is not to be found within the context of the religion founded in his name. Not a single one of the crucial clues relating to the Grail mystery can be satisfactorily explained in terms of orthodox Christianity. Indeed, it would appear that the Grail story was Christianized precisely to conceal a legacy that was wholly unchristian. It is a legacy that goes back to Ia, and the mysterious race of which he was a descendant...

"The first king of Sumeria was also the first god of Sumeria. He was a deified king named IA, and he was known as the Lord of the Flood, or Lord of the Deep Waters. The name IA served as the basis of god-names from many other cultures, including (but not limited to) Jah, Ihah, Yahweh, Jove, Jehovah, Allah, Janus, Ianus, Uranus, Ouranos, and... Oannes." (Book of Lies: The Disinformation Guide to Magick and the Occult)


"...the constellation Virgo, which in fact rises just before the star Arcturus." (Virgo)


And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. - Rev. 12:1,2


"Thus, in conclusion, we greet Mary as the great sign in the heavens which precedes the coming of her Son, because the mother always precedes the son. We greet her as the one who at Fatima wanted to bring peace to the world if we fulfilled the demands of her maternal heart... We greet her as the Victor in all the battles of God, and as the Mother of the Church who will bring the Good Friday of the Church to an end and give it a new Easter." - Bishop Rudolph Graber, Fatima Advancing Rapidly Towards Final Fulfillment (929)

A New Easter? Of course. The feast of the Mother Goddess, Ishtar.

During the Renaissance, that medieval period when the occult traditions flooded Europe from the Mideast, Chartres Cathedral was built on a sacred site in France where ancient Druids worshipped the Mother Goddess. A World Heritage Site famous for its Gothic architecture—and, to the initiated, its thoroughly pagan symbolism—Chartres Cathedral is known to occultists as the 'Golden Book' that reinstated the philosophy of classical Greece in the mainstream of Christian Europe. The cathedral expresses through 'sacred geometry' and astrological symbolism the Gnostic belief that "Man can compass his salvation by means of knowledge", referring to gnosis. Within its massive structure was housed a mystery school which operated as a theological academy for over two centuries. In the underground crypt of the cathedral, initiates worshipped a replica of a Druidic statue known as the 'Virgini Pariturae' or 'the virgin about to give birth'. The Templar Chronicles calls the Virgini Pariturae "the Virgo who must give birth".

The statue in the underground chapel was also called Our Lady Under the Earth because the crypt, where initiations took place, was believed to be connected to telluric powers, i.e. the underworld. On the west front of Chartres Cathedral is featured in the tympanum of the right portal—the Gate of Birth—a statue identical to the Virgini Pariturae in the underground chamber. The exterior icon was and still is venerated by the profane masses of Catholics as Mary, the 'Mother of God'. Exoterically the white virgin on the west facade is the Blessed Virgin Mary who gave birth two thousand years ago; but esoterically, she is the black virgin who was still pregnant with child.

"The Druid's love of inner journeys and their visions inspired their prophesies about the woman that would bring a saviour into the world. This pregnant woman is the black madonna we often find in medieval shrines throughout  Europe. If the white virgin is the one who has already given birth, the black virgin is the pregnant woman of the druid's vision." (931)

The photos below show 'Mary' in a position identical to the other Black Virgins we have seen above—enthroned and with a child on her lap, or rather between her thighs!!  The Gemini figures, representing twins, are difficult to recognize; see the left arch on a level with the twelve apostles.


Chartres Cathedral

West Facade, Right Portal, Incarnation of Christ, 1145-55. God before Time.

Virgin and Christ Child Enthroned. Throne of Wisdom.

Left on arch: Gemini, a sign of the Zodiac


The occult symbolism of this most famous of the medieval cathedrals is discussed in the Masonic book, Rosslyn: Guardian of the Secrets of the Holy Grail. According to authors Tim Wallace-Murphy and Marilyn Hopkins, the seven mystical cathedrals of Europe were deliberately founded on Druidic sites dedicated to planetary oracles. There is a prophecy that, when the planets align in the same configuration as the cathedrals, the time of transition into the New Age will have arrived. The sacred site upon which Chartres Cathedral was erected was dedicated by the Druids to the Sun.

"The Druids, like most initiatory tribal cultures, woshipped the principle of the Eternal Feminine as the source of all fertility. Julius Caesar describes, in de Bello Gallico, the veneration accorded to a fire-blackened, female figurine which was worshipped at a Druidic sacred grotto at Carnutum, now the modern city of Chartres...—a fertility symbol he called Virgini Pariturae, the virgin about to give birth... It was at Chartres that the Church adopted the veneration of the fire-blackened, Druidic figurine Virgini Pariturae in the guise of the Black Madonna. A medieval replica of the Druidic figure is found in the crypt, which the official guide states categorically was used as an initiation chamber. " (266:49,163)

Wallace-Murphy and Ms. Hopkins do not disclose that Julius Caesar also described the Druidic rites of human sacrifice that were performed on the “sacred site” of Chartres Cathedral, the principal venue of the Druid's barbaric rituals in their territory of Carnutum.

“Caesar says, ‘the Druids assemble in a TEMPLE (consecrated place) at a certain season of the year, in the territories of the Carnutes, which is reckoned the centre of all Gaul.’ (ff.

“On this subject Caesar says, ‘and for that cause such as are grievously diseased, or conversant continually in danger of war, do either sacrifice men for an oblation or vow the oblation of themselves, using in such sacrifice the ministry of Druids; forasmuch as they are persuaded that the immortal Deity cannot be pleased but by giving the life of one man for the life of another, and to that purposes they have public sacrifices appointed.’

“The following is the account given by Dr. Borlase of these horrid rites of the Druids:

“Their victims were of several kinds. Sometimes beasts; as at the gathering of the mistletoe, two white bulls; but especially beasts taken from their enemies in war; however, their more solemn sacrifices consisted of human victims, and it cannot be dissembled that the Druids were extremely lavish of human blood. Not only criminals, captives, and strangers, were slain at their sacrifices, but their very disciples were put to death without mercy, if they were wilfully tardy in coming to their assemblies. No people, however, could I think, have wrought themselves up to such a total contempt of human life and the body of man... Their human sacrifices generally consisted of such criminals as were convicted of theft, or any capital crime; and some of these have been sacrificed after an imprisonment of five years; but when such malefactors were not at hand, the innocent supplied their place. They held, that man was the most precious, and therefore the most grateful victim which they could offer to their Gods; and the more dear and beloved the person, the more acceptable they thought their offering would be accounted. Hence, not only beautiful captives and strangers, but children, and Princes, were upon great occasions, offered upon their Altars. In order to satisfy the scrupulous of the innocency of such barbarous sacrifices, and to reconcile the devoted victim to his fate, the Druids held, that the souls of those who served as victims to their Gods in this life, were deify’d, or translated into heaven to be happy there; and the remains of those who dyed in sacrifice, were accounted most holy, and honour’d before any other dead bodies. Variety of deaths they had for their miserable victims, as if they had been afraid that they should fall into a loathing, and dislike of such sacrifices, if they confined themselves to one particular manner of dispatching them. Some they shot to death with arrows; others they crucified in their Temples; some were impaled in honour to their Gods, and then with many others, who had suffered in a different manner, were offered up as a burnt-sacrifice. Others were bled to death, and their blood being received in basons served to sprinkle their Altars. Some were stabbed to the heart, that by the direction in which (after the fatal stroke) the body body fell, either to the right or to the left, forward, or backward, by the convulsion of the limbs, and by the flow of blood, the Druids (such erudition there is in butchery!) might foretell what was to come.

“One Druid sacrifice was still more monstrous. They made a huge image of straw, the limbs of it were joined together, and shaped by wicker-work: this sheath or café, they filled with human victims; and Strabo adds, ‘with wood for fuel, and several kinds ‘of wild beasts,’ as if by a variety of expiring groans and howlings, they designed to terrify their Gods into a compliance with their solicitations; to this image they set fire, consuming that, and the inclosed, at on holocaust. In what shape this image of straw was made Caesar does not say, but probably it was a bull; for they used to sacrifice bulls, and carried to war with them the image of a bull, and the bull is one of the largest, and most capacious of the brute kind, and therefore fittest for such a dreadful office. Whilst they were performing these horrid rites, the drums and trumpets sounded without intermission, that the cries of the miserable victims might not be heard, or distinguished by their friends, it being accounted very ominous, if the lamentations of either children or parents were distinctly to be heard, whilst the victim was burning. The victim being offered, they prayed most solemnly to the Gods with uplifted hands, and great zeal; and when the entrails had been properly examined by the Diviners, Pliny thinks that the Druids eat part of the human victim; what remained was consumed by the last fire upon the Altar; intemperance in drinking generally closed the sacrificing; and the Altar was always consecrated a-fresh, by strewing Oak-leaves on it, before any sacrifice could be offered upon it again.’” (The Celtic Druids, Godfrey Higgins, pp. 239, 295-297)


“Where the great grove of the Carnutes once crowned a ridge above the river Autura, the great Cathedral of Chartres now stands. Every year thousands of Gauls worship among its stone pillars as the magnificent rose window glows with the light of the Otherworld.” (Druids, Morgan Llewelyn, p. 401)

The Virgin portrayed in the west facade of Chartres Cathedral is called the 'Virgini Pariturae', which means "the virgin about to give birth". This statue does not represent Mary or the Biblical concept of womanhood, but the archetypal goddesses of fertility and the 'feminine principle'. Since Chartres was dedicated to the Sun-God, the child of the sculpture is Horus, not Jesus Christ. The following excerpt from Rosslyn reveals how Gnostic occultism engulfed Western Christendom through the occult infiltration of the Roman Church.

"The revelations of the ancient mysteries brought about a deep insight into the laws of all natural phenomena, revealing the very unity in nature which is the mainspring of creation, and the importance of the principle of the eternal feminine. To commemorate this heretical and pagan concept, they carved a replica of the Druidic statue 'Virgini Pariturae', the virgin about to give birth, which had been a focus of worship at Chartres in pre-Christian times. To avoid persecution and to enable this powerful symbol to exert its influence the statue was carved in the guise of Mary the Mother of God with the infant Jesus seated on her lap. This symbolic representation of fertility and the archetypal feminine rests in the crypt of Chartres to this day. It is known as Notre-Dame de Sous-Terre—Our Lady Under the Earth. A replica of this figurine was then carved in the place of  honour above the main portal of the cathedral. After many years of theological dispute with the Orthodox Church in the East, Roman Catholicism had at long last stumbled across the perfect answer to the problems posed by the ambiguities inherent in the title 'Mother of God'. In emphasizing Mary's role, the Church was fulfilling a deep and long-felt need among its adherents by importing the pagan principle of the eternal feminine into the previously male-dominated and patriarchal realm of the Holy Trinity. Early Christians had taken up the theology of St. Paul which described Jesus as the 'Second Adam'. They then fell into the theological trap by calling Mary the 'Second Eve', so reviving the old pagan concept of the divine son/spouse relationship as found in the Ishtar and Tammuz cult of ancient Babylonia and in the worship of Isis and Osiris in Pharaonic Egypt. This form of veneration also incorporated the concept of Sophia the goddess of Wisdom. The Church attempted to exert control over this Marian cult in its traditional manner by taking over pre-Christian forms of worship and sacred sites dedicated to various goddesses, renaming them in honour of the Holy Virgin. The symbolism, prayers and litanies associated with Demeter, Cybele, Ishtar and Isis were adopted and given a Christian veneer. (266:87-89)

Wallace-Murphy and Ms. Hopkins credit the Merovingian infiltrators for the stunning success of Mariolotry in Roman Catholicism: "It is ironic that Mariolotry, one of the major and most pervasive aspects of modern Catholicism, should have been further strengthened by the spiritual understanding of hidden initiates in the Middle Ages." (266:89)

The pagan principle of the eternal feminine asserts that the Mother Goddess ruled over the first age of earth, corresponding to Lemuria, which supposedly achieved the highest level of civilization ever known to man. It is the same Gnostic principle which Bishop Graber and the present Pope fundamentally espouse, viz., that the divine feminine, masquerading as Mary, chronologically preceded and therefore gave divine life to her Son. As previously stated, one significant outcome of the Nestorian heresy was to give priority to the Mother Goddess, the pagan feminine archetype, over her Son. There are, however, esoteric connotations in Bishop Graber's statement, which only the initiated fully understand.

"...we greet Mary as the great sign in the heavens which precedes the coming of her Son..."

Bishop Graber's prediction is generally construed as an apparition of Mary, the Mother of God. Pope John Paul II is expecting a manifestation of Mary similar to the 'Miracle of the Sun' at Fatima, Portugal on October 13, 1917. On this occasion, the sun appearing as "a solar disc...spun upon itself in a mad whirl...and whirling wildly, seemed all at once to loosen itself from the firmament and, blood red, advance threateningly upon the earth as if to crush us with its huge and fiery weight." (938) Catholics believe that a recurrence of this miracle would vindicate the Catholic Church as the 'one true Church'.

Although Roman Catholics perceive this apparition as a visitation of Mary, the mother of Jesus, New Agers recognize the many occult phenomena which attended the solar event at Fatima. According to a published eye-witness account of the Fatima apparition, the sun took on the appearance of a solar disk, an ancient occult symbol of the sun. (See solar disk symbol and explanation.) On October 13, 1917, the sun would have risen in the sign of Virgo; also the Moon was in Virgo.  Bishop Graber has predicted that a sign will precede the coming of Christ.  And not just a sign, but a great sign!  Was the Bishop referring to Virgo, the Great Mother Goddess?

On Friday, October 13 in the year 1307 A.D., the Knights Templars were arrested by King Philip IV of France in collusion with Pope Clement V. Might the Fatima vision in 1917 have been a sign of the coming vengeance determined upon Rome by the Templars?  Bishop Graber, whose associations include Knight of Malta, Peter Beyerhaus, may be sending an esoteric message that Virgo will be the sign in the heavens which will precede the coming of Horus, the pagan messiah who will avenge the Knights Templars by destroying the Roman Catholic Church.

Should another Fatima-type apparition occur in the sign of Virgo, perhaps at Medjugorje, such an event would hardly vindicate Roman Catholicism as the 'one true Church.' To the contrary, another such apparition displaying overtly occult phenomena would probably provide the death warrant needed to overthrow this Harlot Church which has, in recent times, scandalized the world with reports of homosexuality and pedophilia in its priesthood.

Since few people are aware of the Merovingian (Jewish) infiltration and takeover of the Roman Catholic Church or that celibacy, homosexuality and pederasty are sacred rites of the Merovingians, and given that the secret societies, which are under the oversight of the Prieuré de Sion, control the news media which has sensationalized these scandals, and considering the success of this ingenious and carefully executed plan, we submit that the mighty fall of this citadel of Christendom is a fait accompli.

...and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns... And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. - Revelation 17:16



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