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Introduction by Kevin Alfred Strom

WILLIAM PIERCE (1933-2002) saw more deeply into the nature of life — and farther into the future — than any other thinker of modern times. This superb modern video production is based on an early version of his 1976 speech, Our Cause, which I believe will be known for centuries to come as one of the sparks which led to a revolution in the mind of European Man, and to a new — and necessary — purpose for our existence in this Universe.

Simply put, William Pierce was a prophet. He saw the world as it really is and saw our people’s plight in realistic terms; why our folk have become a fallen people — and who is responsible. But Dr. Pierce’s understanding of what is in danger of being lost was only part of the vision he had. Above the bleak realities of our ever-darkening world, William Pierce had a much higher vision of what our race could be. He realized that — if led by the best among us — there is no obstacle we cannot overcome, no battle we cannot win, no mystery we cannot solve, and no feat we cannot accomplish. With his razor sharp insight, Dr. Pierce clearly saw what a magnificent and beautiful future could be ours if we were once again free to determine our own destiny.

I believe his name will be listed prominently among the pantheon of heroes and philosophers in future centuries — centuries of our people’s civilization that he will have helped to make possible.

Today, it is more than a decade and a half since I said goodbye to William Pierce for the last time. In that interval, his stature as a teacher has, if anything, increased.

William Pierce knew that we are made of the same stuff as the Earth and the stars, that we are the expanding consciousness of an evolving Universe, and that your soul is, in a very profound sense, the soul of the Universe itself. If you had to encapsulate William Pierce’s life in a single sentence, it would be: He saw that the purpose of life is the increase of consciousness; he saw that our race was the leading edge and the living agent of that increase in consciousness; and he dedicated his life to the preservation and advancement of our kind. This view of ourselves as agents of evolving Life — and Life itself as an agent of an as-yet dimly seen force immanent in the Earth and in the Cosmos itself — has been expressed by other advanced thinkers, though never so forcefully or fully as it was expressed by Dr. Pierce. One such man was the poet John Hall Wheelock, who said in his poem Earth:

For the earth that breeds the trees
Breeds cities too, and symphonies.
Equally her beauty flows
Into a saviour, or a rose…
Through Leonardo’s hand she seeks
Herself, and through Beethoven speaks….

Even as the growing grass
Up from the soil religions pass…
And all man is, or yet may be,
Is but herself in agony
Toiling up the steep ascent
Toward the complete accomplishment
When all dust shall be, the whole
Universe, one conscious soul.
Yea, the quiet and cool sod
Bears in her breast the dream of God.

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